Best XMBC Box

8 Apr 2013
I don't know a lot about these boxes but everyone raves about that and I wanted to know what boxes are best. I heard they grab content from lots of websites so you can watch lots of films and TV's.

If the information about Netflix blocking VPN's is correct then I want to move to one of these. Thanks :)
My R-Pi has been running Raspbmc (now Kodi) for the past many many years.

It's simple enough for the missus to use it.

Raspbmc installed to 8gb USB
Hooked into a DTS a/v receiver.
Media served over NFS from a storage server.
Shared library running from the storage server accessed by raspbmc and xbmc on an adroid phone and a couple of laptops.

Current config.


Rock solid, no reboots, no buffering.
My R-Pi has been running Raspbmc (now Kodi) for the past many many years.

It's simple enough for the missus to use it.

Raspbmc installed to 8gb USB
Hooked into a DTS a/v receiver.
Media served over NFS from a storage server.
Shared library running from the storage server accessed by raspbmc and xbmc on an adroid phone and a couple of laptops.

Current config.


Rock solid, no reboots, no buffering.

After posting this I realised it has no AV output. This will sometimes be used in the bedroom and the tv in there isn't HD
By the sounds of it you're not that familiar to XBMC/Kodi. I'd suggest installing it on your PC/Laptop to have a play around with it and make sure it does what you expect it to. Some of the plugins that let you stream content aren't very good.
I wouldn't bother if there's no HDMI.

yeah same..

especially as your going to have to look into how your going to get sound to whichever device.. HDMI carries the sound and picture...

if your planning on using VGA then that wont carry sound and you will have to use another output for it.
By the sounds of it you're not that familiar to XBMC/Kodi. I'd suggest installing it on your PC/Laptop to have a play around with it and make sure it does what you expect it to. Some of the plugins that let you stream content aren't very good.

+1 to this..

I don't stream any media online, just nework shares of DVD rips of TV shows/films that I own.
By the sounds of it you're not that familiar to XBMC/Kodi. I'd suggest installing it on your PC/Laptop to have a play around with it and make sure it does what you expect it to. Some of the plugins that let you stream content aren't very good.

So what people have said is untrue?

People are cancelling their tv packages because supposedly they can watch anything via XMBC
So what people have said is untrue?

People are cancelling their tv packages because supposedly they can watch anything via XMBC

With a lot of the plugins it just depends on how fast you can stream from the various hosts the content is on but yes you can pretty much have streaming access to everything as soon as it hits the net.
I didn't say you couldn't do that, just that some of the plugins aren't very good. If you expect a nice polished interface that always works (ala Netflix) for free, then you might be a little disappointed. Hence my suggestion to try it on your PC or laptop first.
I didn't say you couldn't do that, just that some of the plugins aren't very good. If you expect a nice polished interface that always works (ala Netflix) for free, then you might be a little disappointed. Hence my suggestion to try it on your PC or laptop first.

I was thinking about that earlier. I will look at some tutorials online and set it up and see how good it is before I consider buying one then.

I knew it wouldn't be nicely polished like Netflix, I was expecting that it might be a bit cluttered and it might take some getting used to.

Thanks for you help
My R-Pi has been running Raspbmc (now Kodi) for the past many many years.

It's simple enough for the missus to use it.

Raspbmc installed to 8gb USB
Hooked into a DTS a/v receiver.
Media served over NFS from a storage server.
Shared library running from the storage server accessed by raspbmc and xbmc on an adroid phone and a couple of laptops.

Current config.


Pretty much identical to this except I use OpenElec instead of Raspbmc.
My R-Pi has been running Raspbmc (now Kodi) for the past many many years.

It's simple enough for the missus to use it.

Raspbmc installed to 8gb USB
Hooked into a DTS a/v receiver.
Media served over NFS from a storage server.
Shared library running from the storage server accessed by raspbmc and xbmc on an adroid phone and a couple of laptops.

Current config.


Rock solid, no reboots, no buffering.

I'm new to Raspberry PI but I've tried Kodi out on my laptop and I love it. What do I need to get started?

Is this all I need?
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