Valve: Source 2 released.

3 Oct 2013
Excerpt from the article

Valve announced the Source 2 engine, the successor to the Source engine used in Valve's games since the launch of Counter-Strike: Source and Half-Life 2. "The value of a platform like the PC is how much it increases the productivity of those who use the platform. With Source 2, our focus is increasing creator productivity. Given how important user generated content is becoming, Source 2 is designed not for just the professional developer, but enabling gamers themselves to participate in the creation and development of their favorite games," said Valve's Jay Stelly. "We will be making Source 2 available for free to content developers. This combined with recent announcements by Epic and Unity will help continue the PCs dominance as the premiere content authoring platform."

Also as part of supporting PC gaming, Valve announced that it will be releasing a Vulkan-compatible version of the Source 2 engine. Vulkan is a cross-platform, cross-vendor 3D graphics API that allows game developers to get the most out of the latest graphics hardware, and ensures hardware developers that there is a consistent, low overhead method of taking advantage of products. Vulkan, previously called Next Generation OpenGL, is administered by the Khronos Group, along with other standards such as OpenCL, OpenGL, and WebGL.


Odd that dont ya think :rolleyes:
Was wondering when an announcement was due about this, so i wonder if it's true that they started development in late 2010. Nobody seems to know how long they took to develop the first Source engine. Only know that it was a 6 year gap between HL1 - HL2.

In any case, i look forward very much to a L4D3 announcement at this years E3 ;)
Awesome news. About time an update came.

Can't wait to see what it can do (or what dev's can do it with as such).

BTW.. what part are you referring to as 'odd'?
It will just do exactly what home steam streaming has done for a while... Just in a pretty box. Link will be super useful for me so I can't wait, good price point too.
It will just do exactly what home steam streaming has done for a while... Just in a pretty box. Link will be super useful for me so I can't wait, good price point too.

Aye, nice and cheap and does the job. If this were Apple it'd prob cost at least £100 just for a streaming device :D

Valve knows this will sell like hotcakes if they get the pricing right, of course that is always the smart thing to do since it makes a good profit.
I think it's becoming increasingly obvious that they aren't working on HL3....I can see why they wouldn't bother when they can rake in the cash from the Steam storefront and their F2P portfolio. The engine work is just another gateway to a digital store.
I think it's becoming increasingly obvious that they aren't working on HL3....I can see why they wouldn't bother when they can rake in the cash from the Steam storefront and their F2P portfolio. The engine work is just another gateway to a digital store.

Stop typing complete garbage.

Valve are artists, Half Life is their most celebrated work of art.

Just because they do things their way, some people get all butt hurt.
Not even a screenshot to go with the announcement, they are either planning something big or given up on the franchise altogether but dare I say with Valve it could be the former? Wishful thinking of course :D
Can you imagine the explosion of the Internet when they do get around to hinting at it. They wouldn't even need to pay for advertising.
This announcement was made at GDC, not exactly the right place to announce a new game. It's better suited for their hardware and engine endeavours. I don't know what other gaming conventions are coming up soon, but if there is one, expect Valve to debut their first game on Source 2 show casing it's potential power. It'll probably be L4D3 after those leaked slides, and it'll be a good tech demo (AI, graphics, etc.) :D
Stop typing complete garbage.

Valve are artists, Half Life is their most celebrated work of art.

Just because they do things their way, some people get all butt hurt.

Err, what? Looks like troll, smells like troll, but whatever, I'll bite.

Valve are a business, primarily a digital store, and game developer. Their F2P games are successful, their digital store exceptionally successful. They don't *need* to develop HL3. I would not be at all surprised if they aren't working on it.

If I were them I'd be extending this money making empire by building an ecosystem around their engine, which appears to be exactly what they are doing.
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