Valve: Source 2 released.

As much as I feel I need Half-Life 3 right now, or yesterday preferably, I still trust Valve to do it right. I am glad that they didn’t do the industry typical, and just release of load of increasingly weaker games based on the name (not looking at any EA’s or Assassin’s Creeds in particular). COD Modern Warfare was amazing but the annual re-hash has become painful when you remember the feeling of playing (and loving) the original. The last COD doesn’t even perform properly here, it’s like they just don’t care anymore, 'shut up and give us your money and go away'. It is sad what they have done to the IP for money.

Valve could have released anything under the Half-Life name and we all would have bought it anyway. They could have released one every Christmas. But they didn’t. That means something. I think it means they will (eventually) release the best game ever. Yet again. Evidently, these things take time.
Err, what? Looks like troll, smells like troll, but whatever, I'll bite.

Valve are a business, primarily a digital store, and game developer. Their F2P games are successful, their digital store exceptionally successful. They don't *need* to develop HL3. I would not be at all surprised if they aren't working on it.

If I were them I'd be extending this money making empire by building an ecosystem around their engine, which appears to be exactly what they are doing.

Just because someone holds a different opinion to you (and a perfectly valid point was made my Gimpy) does not make them a troll :o.
In the position they are in, they don't need to gamble on a AAA release (and it is a gamble, even with a name as strong as Half Life).

I am sticking with my guess that they are *not* developing a boxed Half Life 3 game.
Just because someone holds a different opinion to you (and a perfectly valid point was made my Gimpy) does not make them a troll :o.

I must have missed the valid point, was it the opening line slur, the follow up false assertion, or sprinkling of fanboy 'butthurt' he added at the end?
I still fondly remember Half life 1 and Half 2.

Episode 1 + 2 bored me though. :(

I hope Source 2 brings about a slightly more gritty direction when they continue the series on. I don't like the TF2 styling, or the slightly cartoony/oveexposed L4D/Global offensive styling.
Stop typing complete garbage.

Valve are artists, Half Life is their most celebrated work of art.

Just because they do things their way, some people get all butt hurt.

These are perfectly valid points. Valve do things in their own time, the entire 'Valve time' thing is based on this.

Half Life is their most celebrated work. It is still an important benchmark for gaming and gamers still cling to hopes of more games in the series. There fan furore at the constant lack of information is proof that the franchise or series is still popular.

I must have missed the valid point, was it the opening line slur, the follow up false assertion, or sprinkling of fanboy 'butthurt' he added at the end?

Oh please, you have both being as bad as each other in this regard. Stop it. You're not children. 'He said' 'He started it'. You had no need to label him a troll. He said that he thought you were talking rubbish.
I still fondly remember Half life 1 and Half 2.

Episode 1 + 2 bored me though. :(

I hope Source 2 brings about a slightly more gritty direction when they continue the series on. I don't like the TF2 styling, or the slightly cartoony/oveexposed L4D/Global offensive styling.

I still maintain :p, that Half Life is the best first person shooter I've played (relative to when it was released). Still one of my favourite memories in gaming was playing that with my Dad :).
Steam, Steam OS, Steam Machines, the VR stuff, Source 2 platform, streaming box etc. This is a company that isn't primarily in the business of game development any more.

Colour me surprised if HL3 appears this year :)
Steam, Steam OS, Steam Machines, the VR stuff, Source 2 platform, streaming box etc. This is a company that isn't primarily in the business of game development any more.

Colour me surprised if HL3 appears this year :)

I'm not entirely sure people disagree with you. Valve have put a lot of time and money in to their research and development team.

However, they are a software company at heart, they make games. I have no strong opinion on 'when' a Valve game will be released because they have no schedule. I do however think that to suggest they are not developing games (Half Life 3 included) is false.

They have no shareholders, no strict release schedule et cetera. and as a result do things in their own time.

Companies that produce games in 12-18 month cycles have to because that is the fundamental product on to which they make money.
Agreed with the reasoning, and the fact they can afford to take their time.....but history tells us that beyond a certain point, chances of something being released, and living up to the hype aren't great. 8 years now since EP2?

Maybe they are reworking it to be some kind of mind-blowing VR showcase?
Whoop de do....

Give up on HL3. If it comes out, it'll be a nice surprise. If not, nothing lost. I genuinely don't care about Valve games anymore. They're a content supplier rather than a games company. Why risk lots of money on a game that could be a flop when they can make a pile selling other peoples flops. ;)
I think that a lot of what happens at Valve is development, similarly at Blizzard (pre take over), and that when the development would reach a certain point they would either continue the development cycle or come to the conclusion it is just not good enough.

This could explain things at Valve, that they push for brilliance so much that they re-work and re-start a lot of projects. I have never, never played a Valve game that has not had this high level of finish.

With the new technology they are pushing out, maybe their latest development titles will have been re-worked to work just as well with the technology.

Remember that because Valve have no schedule, no shareholders to please et cetera. that they can plan and develop things for the future.

The Call of Duty teams cannot do this because they have to produce a game annually. You almost cannot build up to an end product (so to speak) because all your time is spent in development cycles. Valve can have an end aim and can slowly build towards it.

So yes, Valve could have taken the decision years ago that this was the space they wanted to enter and as a result all their development cycles would switch to incorporate this.
Whoop de do....

Give up on HL3. If it comes out, it'll be a nice surprise. If not, nothing lost. I genuinely don't care about Valve games anymore. They're a content supplier rather than a games company. Why risk lots of money on a game that could be a flop when they can make a pile selling other peoples flops. ;)

Hey man we could keep buying Left 4 Dead sequals. It was brilliantly unique on release and fun to play but really not very much content when you think about it, since its only a few maps per game. They could knock out a sequal per week and that should be more than enough to keep us happy! Then we could get some more hats and stuff. I dont know what you're upset about!
Whoop de do....

Give up on HL3. If it comes out, it'll be a nice surprise. If not, nothing lost. I genuinely don't care about Valve games anymore. They're a content supplier rather than a games company. Why risk lots of money on a game that could be a flop when they can make a pile selling other peoples flops. ;)

They have so much money that it isn't really a risk, and they're obviously developing something because they've made the announcement of their new engine. Not many games used the Source engine in a third party capacity, so it seems to me that the reason they've developed it is to bring their toolset up to date with regards to developing newer games.
Exactly Valve are crazy rich now since steam has gone huge. The only reason they wouldn't do HL3 now is because they feel they couldn't make it as good as people expect and as good as they would want it to be and don't want to ruin the Half Life legacy they have made. I feel like it would be a let down no matter how good it would be purely from all the years of hype. I'd love to be proved wrong but I don't think we will ever see HL3.
This could explain things at Valve, that they push for brilliance so much that they re-work and re-start a lot of projects. I have never, never played a Valve game that has not had this high level of finish.

Left 4 Dead 2 ? It was clear that it was a rush job to make a quick buck.

I'm still burnt from the fact they left HL2-EP2 on a massive cliffhanger only to not mention the words half life for over 7 years and probably never again.

Its a real shame. I much prefer they flat out say we are never going to make a half life game again.

Then again its my 30th birthday on Tuesday, Half Life 3 confirmed :D
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