It seems "something" source 2 was demonstrated for their VR. While it's probably filmed with a potato and stereovisioned you can tell the assets and lighting are of a significantly higher quality than anything we've seen in S1.
You're moving the goalposts now. Left for Dead/2 IS full of content, to say it isn't says it's devoid of content.
To compare it to a game like Skyrim or Half Life is disingenuous because those games only have the single player experience going for them. A single player game has to have a lot more content.
Battle Field and COD doesn't really count either, as they have their own single player campaigns, plus I highly doubt COD has much in the way of content anyway that you don't have to bend over to obtain.
L4D/2 has both single player and multiplayer.
the game, and a bloody good one i think - IS the content.
I don't sit down at a card game and think "this would be better with playing this in an F1 going around a track, i don't think i'm going to play it"
Left 4 Dead is a good game. The user made DLC is also worth it too, as said before. Why do people get there knickers in a twist? And I'm also wondering who said it was "full" of content. It has "enough" content.
hours spent on BF3 and 4 = 5 hours
hours on l4d 1 & 2 = 2500 hours
But I like battlefield too, just not my kind of content.
edit: Hang on, maybe this chat is devoid of content.
I said it was full of content, because DampCat was suggesting that because it has less content than other games it was devoid.
I said it was full of content, because DampCat was suggesting that because it has less content than other games it was devoid.
I am using full in a contextual sense, in that it's not as if the game has open expanses of nothingness that are just boring traverses with little to nothing to do.
But for the type of game it is, with its game play and game mechanics, it's certainly full of content.
To compare it to a similarish game, Killing Floor. Where the game doesn't change in terms of what you do or the levels you pay if you're playing multiplayer. Killing Floor has a lot more levels and weapons than Left for Dead 2, but I would say it isn't as full of content as Left for Dead 2.