Wasn't this already known? The workshop alpha of Dota2 has been running on source 2 since August of last year!
The part where it's "free to content developers" same as Epic has done with UE4
left 4 dead is a high quality game with enough "content"... call me simple but it's a great game. maybe we should get footballers get chased by tigers cos there is not enough content in the game....actually, wait a sec, yes there is enough content...no need for the tigers. on another note i'll play other games till all dem sequals come oot cos i got choice. looking foward to them.
Apparently the games must be released on Steam (along with anywhere else) - http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2015/03/04/source-2-is-actually-free-like-for-free/
I guess that helps explain the free part, quite a cunning plan.
Left 4 Dead 2 ? It was clear that it was a rush job to make a quick buck.
Left 4 Dead is anything but full of content. Replayable, yes. Fun with friends, yes. Unique (at the time), yes. Full of content? there were like 5 maps, and L4D2 brought nothing new except some slightly different zombies to play as.
You have very low standards for what constitutes "full of content", if 5 maps (in versus mode) is plenty.
You have very low standards for what constitutes "full of content", if 5 maps (in versus mode) is plenty.
Better to have a small number of good, well balanced maps than a large number of hastily slapped together maps if you want a serious competitive game.
Im not disputing that, im drawing a line between what Content is versus what Gameplay is. What i take from the game has little to do with the amount of content that is available, its more to do with how the game was designed to be fun in multiplayer.
The point is L4D/2 has far, far less content than a game such as Skyrim, Call of Duty, Battefield, Half Life and so on.
The fact that it is exceedingly fun to play is down to the nature of multiplayer. That scaring the crap out of your mates is always going to be fun. If anyone honestly debates that L4D/2 is FULL of content, then they're simply insane.