Close to purchase - final components opinions?

14 Jul 2005
Hi guys,

Firstly I'd like to thank everyone who has responded to my threads dotted all over various sections of the forum in the last few weeks. I have learned a great deal and ended up at what I hope is a nicely balanced and good value for money system.

I would appreciate any final comments before I hit the order button. To be totally honest I would like to shave a little bit more off the cost of this if it can be done in areas which don't compromise the build too much. Maybe I could save a bit on the PSU, ram and cooler for example (its a little disappointing as some 3000MHz ram was on offer last week and a good cooler is currently discounted but it is too big for my case). I am tempted to hold on until next week's offers and hope to hit one on my build.

There is no GPU in this build now because I am waiting for the AMD RX480 to appear. There is no OS either as I will be sorting this out separately.

If anyone does have any further suggestions I would really appreciate it. The price cannot go up from this now - I am at my absolute limit! But if it can go down then great.

My basket at Overclockers UK:

Total: £699.88
(includes shipping: £0.00)

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You want low profile ram with most aftermarket coolers otherwise the ram wont fit in the first ram slot, something like the Corsair Vengeance LPX.
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You want low profile ram with most aftermarket coolers otherwise the ram wont fit in the first ram slot, something like the Corsair Vengeance LPX.

Thanks I'll take a look.

Case has 2 fans already, surely you dont need a 3rd?

I discussed cooling and the specific case quite extensively in the cooling section of the forum, and it was recommended that I go for three fans in the front and none in the back or top. So I was going to move the rear fan that the case comes with to the front and buy one extra one. A second opinion would be welcomed.
By choosing a Freesync monitor you're committing yourself to AMD. If the RX 480 turns out to be a bust, there'll be no turning back. So if you can, hold off on that until you choose the GPU.

You might be able to shave a few quid by dropping to a 400W or 450W PSU. With the latest generations of GPUs you don't need more. You could even get by on a 350W PSU on a GTX 970 or 1070. Note though that peak efficiency for many PSUs is at approx 50% load so if you have your PC maxxed 24/7 you'll be paying more over time if you have a PSU operating at 75% or 90% load.
Thanks for the point. However I definitely can't afford a G-sync monitor, and I don't want to spend more than £200 on the GPU. So I think whatever happens with the RX480 I would be having an AMD GPU because the nvidia are out of my price range entirely.
Thanks for the point. However I definitely can't afford a G-sync monitor, and I don't want to spend more than £200 on the GPU. So I think whatever happens with the RX480 I would be having an AMD GPU because the nvidia are out of my price range entirely.

Unless the RX 480 is nothing like the early reports suggest, it should very easily max out a 75 Hz 1080p Freesync monitor like the one in your build. It will likely be a very capable 1440p card too should you wish to upgrade the monitor later.
I'd be quite happy if the RX480 was inbetween gtx970 and gtx980 level, so based on that I'm not expecting any major set back in that area. The price of it would be the only concern.

I should also have said I have no existing monitor, so if I was to hold off on the monitor I may as well hold off on my whole build.

Additionally, OCUK don't appear to sell the anti static wrist bands. Surprising - unless anyone can point me to them?
Personally I've never bothered with anti static wrist bands and have never lost a component due to static, just remember to keep grounding yourself by touching the nearest radiator or the case frame and you should be good.
Personally I've never bothered with anti static wrist bands and have never lost a component due to static, just remember to keep grounding yourself by touching the nearest radiator or the case frame and you should be good.

Thirded, alongside making sure you aren't wearing all of the nylon in the world ;)

What i would say is scratching around for a few quid savings here and there isnt the issue. Id have to get a 15m ethernet cable so may as well buy the £15 wifi card.

But with wanting to get a cheap laptop too for relaxing on the sofa with im looking to save on a big ticket item.

Plus the 480 gpu will likely come in at £230 so adding a bit there too.

Hence why considering dropping to an i3 to save enough to make it worthwhile.
FYI a 15 m cat5e ethernet cable is about £5.60.

Sounds like you need to get the requirements straight then before anything else happens. Maybe ask a mod to lock your various threads so people (like me) don't keep chipping in. :)

Final comment - I can't see anywhere in your threads any description of the actual games etc. you're interested in. Next time definitely share this information as it might be you don't need a high-end machine at all.
What i would say is scratching around for a few quid savings here and there isnt the issue. Id have to get a 15m ethernet cable so may as well buy the £15 wifi card.

You'll find the ethernet cable far faster and much lower latency. Always go wired if you can.

yup. thats a pretty good selection and what the OP should buy. if any more money needs to be saved then it has to come from buying cheaper or secondhand monitor and/or gpu.
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