FYI a 15 m cat5e ethernet cable is about £5.60.
Sounds like you need to get the requirements straight then before anything else happens. Maybe ask a mod to lock your various threads so people (like me) don't keep chipping in.
Final comment - I can't see anywhere in your threads any description of the actual games etc. you're interested in. Next time definitely share this information as it might be you don't need a high-end machine at all.
Well I just tried to order it and twice my order failed at the secure code stage of payment.
Triple checked all the card details 2nd time round. Ive emailed customer services, but I guess I won't be getting this by Friday now.
There are cashback offers on the i5 6600k and asus/msi motherboards, so you may find better value there (around £17-32 with the 6600k and z170 mobo)
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Yeah it seems that way, but how does the website detect that you are after the 30 day window to open the claim form?
Complete the claim form on this website 30 – 60 days after your purchase.