1.1.3/1.1.4 on iPhone - safe to upgrade?

Isotope one last thing I want to ask. I can still jailbreak it now right? Do you suggest I use ZiPhone or iNdependence because at the moment whilst the phone is working fine with a different sim and on 1.1.4 it's not jailbroken.

My iphone seems to be jailbroken but it doesn't have installer on the home screen.
Yea jailbreak it mate. Should be fine.

EDIT: MHO, sorry was being daft, the activation does the jailbreak!
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Ah you have to install it yourself, there's a guide on how to do it on the iNdependence Wiki: HERE

How I got installer.app working:

Get the latest version from here: http://repository.apptapp.com/packages/System/Installer.zip
Install the Installer.app file using iNdependence
SSH into your phone and issue the following commands:
chmod 777 /Applications
chmod 777 /Applications/Installer.app
chmod 777 /Applications/Installer.app/Installer
Yeah the Installer icon isn't on my home screen either so I assumed it wasn't jailbroken... but if the activation does it too then I guess I'll install it using the above method?
Yeah the Installer icon isn't on my home screen either so I assumed it wasn't jailbroken... but if the activation does it too then I guess I'll install it using the above method?

Yeh, thats what you will have to do. ZiPhone puts Installer on there, iNdependence does not.
umm....I'm a bit useless, how do you SSH the installer.app onto the phone?
I've install SSH via iNdependece.

Install installer onto the phone using the customize tab in iNdependence.

Once thats done, you will need a SSH program, are you on Mac or PC?
Right, ignore me. Follow these steps. Do you have Wi-fi?

If you do, find out your IP, go to Settings, Wifi, then select the little arrow next to your network and write down your IP address.

Once thats done open Terminal. Applications > Utilities > Terminal

Once in run type: ssh root@IPADDRESS

That should connect to the phone. From there, run the commands in the guide obviously make sure Installer is on the phone having used iNdependence.
Do I need to set up user accounts? When I try to install the installer.app it asks for IP and root password.

EDIT: have just googled it, and it's a type of tree.

EDIT AGAIN: Have managed to do it. Installer working fine.

Many thanks iSam for your simple instructions.

Thanks again to isotope and others who have tried to help me sort this iphone out.
Time for bed now I think, silly iphone has taken up my whole day!
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Do I need to set up user accounts? When I try to install the installer.app it asks for IP and root password.

EDIT: have just googled it, and it's a type of tree.

EDIT AGAIN: Have managed to do it. Installer working fine.

Many thanks iSam for your simple instructions.

Thanks again to isotope and others who have tried to help me sort this iphone out.
Time for bed now I think, silly iphone has taken up my whole day!

Sorry mate, might seem confusing but Isotope is iSam, fancied a name change.

Glad its sorted! :)
the installer i installed seems to be an older version of the one that came with ziphone, there doesn't seem to be as many packages and also the things I tried to install doesn't work :S
You need to refresh your sources for the updates to come through.

As far as I'm aware it does this once a day, unless you manually click "refresh" in the sources sub-menu.

Also, install the "community sources" package within the sources menu, this adds a shed-load of extra apps to your installer.
You need to refresh your sources for the updates to come through.

As far as I'm aware it does this once a day, unless you manually click "refresh" in the sources sub-menu.

Also, install the "community sources" package within the sources menu, this adds a shed-load of extra apps to your installer.

I keep getting a message saying i have the wrong firmware:confused:
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