You say "would" cause - show me the evidence. It "could" cause, but that is something different altogether. Freedom is the default option, a restriction of any kind should be justified and should be able to be justified at any time it's in place.I see where you're coming from... But think about it.. Can you imagine the potential carnage a delimited motorway would cause? Most people are too stupid to react to hazards at 60/70 let alone higher.
People should drive to the conditions of the road and within the limit of their frame of mind. If you feel a bit tired and want to waft along, do 70. If you are actually wide awake and wanting to get to your destination, do 100. I might not think my safety is any more compromised at 85 than it is at 70 (and there's little fact to suggest it is), so why should I be forced to do, at most, 70? This is a speed plucked out of the air, deemed safe for late 1950s and early 1960s vehicles to drive at in fog. We are driving cars 50 years on at the same speed in perfect conditions.
It hasn't yet been medically proven.are you actually mentally ill?
Well, when you do have a massive distance to cover, it can make a difference. It can be the difference between making a flight/ferry/train/event/whatever, or not. If by extra risk you mean in terms of getting caught, that's debatable. If you are sensible and carefully watch where you speed, you can speed. If you mean extra risk in terms of safety, I believe (and again, there's little factual evidence to suggest otherwise) that 100 is no more or less safe than 70 on the clear motorway in the cars of today.Unless youve got a massive distance to cover that extra 30mph isnt going to make much of a difference. Is getting home a few minutes quicker worth the extra risk and potential cost?
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