10850k won’t overclock. Temps too high D15

19 Jan 2021
So I make this short and sweet. I have an MSI z490 Tomohawk, D15 air cooler, 32gb Corsair 3600 ram, 10850k all wrapped up in the lovely Meshify S2.

I am new to overclocking but my temp in prime95, no atx, on stock 4.8 are 98c. I tried realbench and got 85-90c after 15 minutes.

Overclock: 5ghz
LLC set at 2
Voltage 1.25-1.35 volt. Prime95 (no atx) just maxed temps INSTANTLY and system would hang.

realbech would run but at 5ghz on auto voltage temps hit 100c instantly. I haven’t tried 4.9 with lower voltage because I don’t see any point in 4.9 all core to a 4.8 all core stock.

I did turn turbo from auto to disabled after stock benchmark and it made little difference. Tried fixing cpu ratio and this didn’t help either. I think I got a chip that was straight up garbage to begin with. I will try new paste, noctuas best offer, just to check I seated it right. Not really sure what else I can do as the voltage offsets and LLC settings are a bit beyond my ability. I don’t want to fry the cpu and this OC attempt was more for fun.

Stock my voltage under load is 1.26-1.28v either these chips cannot do air or this was just a lottery fail!

Anyone use the msi z490 tomohawk? Any tips? Got my amd 8350 to 4.5ghz stable on prime for 8 hours. That lasted me till now and this chip kicks ass out of my last rig! Those red 100c numbers in HWM have made me nervous but just wondered if I have missed something.

Down bolted to booted at 1.25 volt so that was my base test using Intel XTU. I am new to this again so go easy on me!
The Noctua D15 comes with a plastic cover much like a cpu box.

Temps on cores range from 69c to 75c. Core 8 runs cool. All others are 71-75c and one core hits 78 on stock Intel XTU.

Purchased Noctua best thermal past (only 3.5 gram tube I could find ANYWHERE!). Will reseat the cooled when it arrives. Stable under a 15 minute run of realbench with a -2 atx offset and 1.35 volts at 50ghz for about 10 minutes then pooped it self. Blue screen error with no hard lock. Ran the windows diagnostic and then reset. I could up the voltage with better cooler but this Noctua isn’t cutting it. I did a this spread but maybe to thin. Might try the pea size blob instead. Never really found what was best but never like to much and it oozing out the side.

Real Bench
Stock settings Enhanced Turbo off.
Package 80c
Core 0: 76c
Core1: 74c
Core2: 79c
Core3: 76c
Core4: 78c
Core5: 78c
Core6: 77c
Core7: 78c
Core8: 73c
Core9: 77c

cpu vcore 1.306 on auto
IO 1.196 auto
SA1.274 auto.

I cannot get it to post on 5ghz with less the 1.35volts if I try setting the voltage manually.

I think it’s just running hot so a real Dude. I mean those temps on stock are awful. Atx workload even on stock would kill the cpu. I am hoping it’s insufficient paste but if it isn’t... I was screwed hard.
First intel chip and first new chip in 10 years. Really happy with the boost but gutted I cannot even hit 5.0

I know others have found the same issue.

Anyone else using a z490 Tomahawk that can give me some pointers with settings?
have you definitely removed the clear sticker that comes on the base of the heatsink when installing, on my sons he has the dark rock pro 4 pro at 5Ghz all core never exceeds 80 degrees on his 10850K

Will check everything when repaste. That 80 stable temp is using which stress test software? Prine95 with atx off is just crazy. Versions 26.6 is not much better. 90c and up on all cores using prime95 ver:26.6. Highest was 98 so I turned it off and went back to stock.
So I changed LLC from 2 to 3 and now the core voltage set at 1.27 drops to 1.26 under load and I am not getting blue screen and temps are at 87c max on package. Still to hot at 4.9ghz but MUCH better. This is with no atx offset. I might try LLC 4 to so if this further lowers temps without causing instability.
I now understand the issues with Turbo. I have turned it off completely in MSI bios. Enhance was auto and Turbo was auto. I turned off turbo which turns Enhanced turbo off by default. Set LLC to 3 giving a 0.01v droop under load (if I understand vdroop correctly). At LLC 3 and 1.26 vcore I am hitting 88c max and stable on a 15 minute realbench run testing 16gb or 32gb of ram. Not clocked the ram using xmp yes but will see.

For those with MSI boards and struggling with temps, set LLC to 3 and possible even 4. I will be testing 4 next to see if this is still stable.
Sorry for the running commentary but I hope this may help some else in the future.
BSOD on LLC 3 - vcore 1.26 - 4.9ghz
LLC 3 - ATX offset -2 - vcore 1.265 - 4.9 ghz

all the above failed... scratching my head here because on stock my voltage and temps all go up but it’s stable with xmp.

Stock 4.8ghz
Vcore 1.292 max
Max temp of package and 2 cores was 91c!
Should I disable enhanced turbo in MSI bios even in stock?!
I am starting to think this is a dud... I could probably lower voltage for stock and find a stable minimum and then try for 4.9 all core again but for 100hz what’s the point...

This chip cannot handle it on air.
It could be my old gtx1060 causing the Gauls though.... can I turn of the GFX stress on Realbench? Will that degrade the test? It’s an old card but operating within temps at 71c. Makes a cricket noise at 65c plus....

Went to default in the end and turned off enhanced turbo and got 10 points on multi thread in CPUZ bench and the same 576 in single core. I got a drop of 2c across all cores and the package. All that heat for NOTHING... ????

I am still seeing 1.282v on vcore at stock. That cannot be needed... Surely?!
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I just cannot get it stable with the ram at 3600 xmp. Gonna tinker a bit more today and see about under volting on air. It’s of course not an issue but I also want to find that base line. MCE or Turbo is off as all it does is add heat. 2c stock.

I am thinking of trying vcore 1.27 with an offset of -1. What I have been reading is that the auto voltage on VID is way to high. I am seeing 1.35 and even 1.378 volts on the VID under load! It’s higher than the vcore on auto. That just doesn’t make sense to me as a noob.
The idle temps are 30c on air. Will reseat but certain it’s not poorly seated anyway. Ambient is 20c.

I was poking it with a stick but until voltages are at a real base/stock it’s pointless. The vcore was jumping to 1.31 volts on stock everything auto. I just dropped vcore to 1.25 and it’s sable on 4.8ghz.... the MSI z490 tomohawk is grossly over volting this cpu. My highest voltages on auto for IO = 1.196 and SA = 1.278.

Now I don’t really understand these voltages but I THHINK they affect VID. VID is 1.254 almost 100% under Realbench stress and testing 16gb of ram at 3600xmp.

I cannot blow up my cpu by lowing the voltage so I am going to try and get these temps right down with lower voltages and I can the bump back up slowly once I triple check the paste. I did a thin spread like paper thin and so I should have 100% coverage of the cpu.

if I get these voltages down I will be happier as the temps will follow. Even at stock this thing is way to hot.
Thanks. I am down to 1.240vcore and 4.8ghz ratio. Everything else is stock with Enhanced Turbo off. Temps are 3c lower on the package and cores or all 85c max under a Realbench stress. Set SA and IO to stock to see what happens and was unstable. Thought it would be as auto is 1.196 IO and 1.278 SA. I set them to stock at 0.950 IO and 1.050 SA. Booted but programs and bitsefender failed to start and gave a warning. All back to default/auto now.

I see people running 50ghz on air and I just don’t know how!!!

Will XMP cause this much heat? I am wonder if the board is an issue. Read someone else RMA 2 z490 tomohawk and then got an ASUS and had no problems.
LLC on auto. I am down to 1.20ghz with a 15 minute realbench run stressing 16gb ram out of 32gb.

What I am finding is that whatever vcore I set in bios it’s is always more under load. Eg. Vcore 1.220 becomes 1.230 under load. Is that normal or even right?

I thought that if I could run Realbench at 1.200vcore for 6 hours then I would be fine. What I have been reading is that the system may crash when gaming even if stable at 1.2vcore under load with Realbench.

The main reason for the under volt was to lower heat and power draw. 1.310 stock is just dumb and Realbench and Prime95 (won’t use it again now) just hammered the system at stock. 100c on some cores in under 10 seconds even with an aggressive fan curve and -2 avx offset.

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Yeah cpuz and Hwmonitor both read 0.01 higher that vcore and 0.02 in some areas. 1.200vc and readout under load is 1.220 or 1.221....

Good try hardwareinfo. Is there a monitoring system I can turn on?
Was just driving to the store and I figure it out... MSI default under auto to either LLC mode 1 or mode 2. That was pushing the voltage over the vcore. I know the papers say LLC does increase voltage over set vcore but CPUZ, HWMONITOR and HWINFO all showed the same amount within 0.001 of each other. I changed LLC to 4 and low and behold the voltage is now 1.176 under load and vcore 1.200.

I will NEVER buy MSI again the stock settings on this board are awful.

Fail at LLC 4 and 1.2 volts.
Hmm, I have an MSI Z490 MEG Unify and 10700k and I've been having temp issues under a full custom loop. My CPU can easily hit 30 degrees above my GPU which is in the same loop when under a full stress test. I may check out the voltages as up until now I've been blaming the CPU block.
If you’re running that stock you can certainly afford to bump down the voltage. I haven’t done a full six hour test, I’m going to wait until I get the CPU reseated just in case there is an issue with the initial paste that I used. Once the CPU is reseated I will run a six hour benchmark on realbench.

if it’s stable then at 1.225vcore I’ll be happy. Temps have dropped 10c under full load. My CPU is running super hot for that voltage so I may play with SA and IO just to see if AI can get a little improvement.
Hmm, I have an MSI Z490 MEG Unify and 10700k and I've been having temp issues under a full custom loop. My CPU can easily hit 30 degrees above my GPU which is in the same loop when under a full stress test. I may check out the voltages as up until now I've been blaming the CPU block.

This is what I have done but I am new at this. If you problem is high core temps at stock you can down volt. I would suggest you use auto to start and just bring the core voltage down to 1.22 and manually set the cpu ratio to 48 or leave it as auto. Also turn off enhanced turbo under CPU settings. Leave turbo technology 3.0 and turbo boost on. ENHANCED TURBO is the MSI version of MCE or multi core enhancement and you don’t need it at stock. Disable it.

If you leave everything at auto and just do cpu core voltage at 1.220v you can post in windows. Then test with Realbench with half your ram on a 15 minute stress test. WATCH TEMPS. If they hit 91c+ stop the test. At that voltage they shouldn’t but you cooling could be the problem.

if you post and tempt are stable anywhere up to 85c you are good. That high BUT you will never get there under normal workloads really. Once it completes the 15minute stress and you are happy with temps run for an hour but baby sit it.

you should test it on stress test over night or for 6 hours but I would advise leaving it to a day time to make sure it doesn’t BSOD. This isn’t gonna damage the CPU because all you are doing is decreasing voltage make sure you are using the (.) and always DOUBLE CHECK YOUR MANUAL VOLTAGE before saving and rebooting.

As a guide. I have run a 15 minutes stress with 16gb with xmp active. Core ratio is 48. LLC is mode 3 and everything else is stock. I may play with IO and SA voltages to see if I can get it cooler but with all that and. D15 I still sit at 86c under load. That is with no avx offset. I could bring temps down more by setting an offset but I want to find a good base voltage without it.

will try 4.9 again if the reseating of the cpu gives me the temp drop I am hoping but I am not optimistic. I this this card just doesn’t have the guts to overclock.
OK. A little update. I have re-seated the cooler and the drop in temps is noticeable with the NT-2 paste. I have checked everything. Brought voltages right down. Running stable at 1.25 volts and set vcore to adaptive. All core is ratio 48 and io is 1.150v and SA 1.200v RAM is 2666 with an XMP of 3600. System is stable but under load the temps climb to 85. The Noctua doesn't have a plastic film on the underside of the cooler. I have screwed it down till you cannot screw it any more but with minimal effort. Meaning that I am screwing a half turn at a time until i hit that resistance and stop. So the CPU is not down to tight and the paste covering was good. I put slightly more on this time and spread it out again. The thermal difference is 2c under load.

What I did do today was stress the CPU with only 4gb of ram in Realbench and I got a max of 81c 10c lower than ever before. This got me thinking about the RAM and the heat its producing. DRAM is set to 1.35v which is stock but the MOS readout is 62.5c under load with a 16gb RAM stress under Realbench! Didn't check what is was with the 4gb stress. That got to be my heat issue.... Just don't know what to do to bring it down.
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