Things weren't always better in the good old days, you know.
Lies, clearly.
Things weren't always better in the good old days, you know.
Not that big a deal, I'm fully able to accept there are chavs in society. Leave them to it.
I'm intrigued, if your daughter asked to have it done would you consider her a chav?
downward spiral innit.
Piercings at 13
On the pill at 14
First STD at 15
Pregnant at 16
Crack addict at 17
Council House at 18
Don't see anything wrong with it personally, in many parts of the world and cultures like native tribes and as such it's common and normal.
What a person wants to do with their own body is really up to them.
I don't have a daughter.
In Spain, female babies generally have their ears pierced at the hospital.
Its obviously the 13 year old trying to attract attention to her midriff, not someone else ...and my guess would be so that it attracts 15 year old boys
Will she be wearing crop tops to show it off? Seems a bit tacky and not something anyone wants to see :X