All those screenies have made me notice that its coming up to my 1337th post... Gonna have to screenshot mine:D

Me and most of my housemates use the words owned and n00b in daily usage, but then I suppose we are all geeks. :cool:
WELL... beat this.. i say pwned.. pronounced pooned. I say that if someone gets bundled at school.. i go "haha, youve been done.. or youve been pooned"
No one knows what it means and some people are saying it now :P but some people say pooed. as they think im saying that :D
sara said:

But they've given him a ponytail and turned him into a girly devil for the purposes of the vending machine...

Oh that is fantastic! :D

I do recognise him now! - though to be honest I didn't have the benefit of a slightly drunken mind to warp my perception of it to that.

That did actually make me lol irl
I've been dropping "I'd hit it" into conversation a lot recently. I'm hoping my mates will pick up on it subconciously and use it too.
(OT: there seems to be a congregation of Leedsians in this thread, weird huh?)
l337 isn't really a 'geek' thing, it's an online gamer thing. Obiously there's some overlap, but a geek doesn't necessarilly play online games and a gamer isn't necessarilly a "traditional" old-skool geek.
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