14 year old arrested for bringing in homemade clock

Greebo why are you talking about the white house?

Cause Obhama has invited him there over this whole mess about it just been a clock etc.

And to point out there is a time and a place to have have a home made clock.

I keep going back to making a home made clock whcih "might" be mistaken as a bomb and taking it to school and then having your teacher advise you to keep it hidden (cause clearly he thought people might think its a bomb too) is not a good idea and in this case led to the police been called to see if there was a charge to be made for making a hoax bomb.

The fact that the police appear to have messed up and gone overboard and process him illegally is a secondary issue.
Seems very unlikely that the family/child would have been unaware of types of reactions such a device would provoke, especially considering his race and the country in which he is residing.

Part of me feels this was a deliberate ploy by his parents, to attract attention/reporters or to highlight the 'persecution' of his race in the media.
Seems very unlikely that the family/child would have been unaware of types of reactions such a device would provoke, especially considering his race and the country in which he is residing.

Part of me feels this was a deliberate ploy by his parents, to attract attention/reporters or to highlight the 'persecution' of his race in the media.

And equally i wonder if this had been a white 14 year old boy who still got arrested etc, would he be getting the same coverage and invites to FB and the white house and stuff.
How come everything becomes an internet storm nowadays? From the dress, to the barrister, to a clock, that runs for endless days for long discussions...
He was apprehended. Not allowed to contact his parents (illegal) and taken to a juvenile centre. If this was your kid you wouldn't at all be outraged? Or does he need to be water boarded first?

My kids have enough smarts not to take anything that looks like a suitcase bomb into a school, so I'm never going to have get outraged over it.
My kids have enough smarts not to take anything that looks like a suitcase bomb into a school, so I'm never going to have get outraged over it.

It is starting to remind me of the true stories I was told of the 80s with the IRA. As the girl in the audience for Question Time said last night, we live in the information age. Yet we learn nothing.
All I can say on the matter... it's a shame what the world has come to.

I can see the reasoning on both sides, and i'm not disagreeing with either sides actions.

Police and Schools in the US get enough stick from the public about not doing enough to protect kids, yet the one time they potentially stop a threat and they get blasted for being completely wrong about it.

I have no doubt that race/religion played a card here, even though the police/school will deny that for obvious reasons - which you'll never be able to prove anyway. I can bet if the situation was reversed and it was a white kid who'd made a home made clock, it probably wouldn't have stirred up such a storm.

It's just a shame that a young lad regardless of race/religion/gender/beliefs/yada yada can not use his intelligence to construct something he can show off to teachers at school.
All I can say on the matter... it's a shame what the world has come to.

I can see the reasoning on both sides, and i'm not disagreeing with either sides actions.

*contacts news media to get money for this story* Need to know.

This is the biggest problem.
Very good piece here on the story.


Progressivism is an ideology built entirely on narratives.

Rarely do the narratives coincide with reality, and wherever the two contradict, the narrative wins. Every time. If progressives decided to construct a narrative that the moon is made of rock candy, it would be immediately required that every discussion about the moon be centered on reaffirming this fiction. If an astronaut visited the moon then came home and reported that, in fact, the moon does not consist of delicious sugary confections, he would be labeled a moonophobe or a moonist, and calls would ring out for his termination and possible execution. Once the narrative is established, everything surrounding it must serve the sole purpose of reinforcing it. Nothing else matters to progressives. Only the narrative.

I think if more people understood the progressive focus on narrative, and learned to be suspicious of stories that so strangely and simplistically fit right into them, we would be living in a much more rational country. We wouldn’t have, for example, a Black Lives Matter movement born in a thoroughly discredited lie made up on the spot by a criminal thug. Without that movement, it’s likely that Ferguson and Baltimore never would have been torched, and the cops who’ve since been killed by the BLM race pimps would still be alive. False narratives aren’t just annoying; they’re dangerous. They whip people into frenzies based on assumptions and distortions, rendering it almost impossible to calm the foaming mob once the falsehoods have taken root.

Speaking of frenzies, you’ve no doubt heard about Ahmed Mohemed. Poor Ahmed, a high school student in Texas, became the latest cause du jour after he got in trouble for bringing a clock to school. It was a crude homemade contraption constructed out of wires and circuitry in a small briefcase-like box with a digital display on the front. He showed it to his engineering teacher who told him not to show it to anyone else because someone might see a box full of wires and get the wrong idea. Schools tend to be sensitive about things that look like they could explode.

Rest of the piece continues at the link. There is quite a bit to it.
Very good piece here on the story.


"We wouldn’t have, for example, a Black Lives Matter movement born in a thoroughly discredited lie made up on the spot by a criminal thug."

What's that got to do with it? They are criminals, therefore the police can use whatever force they like? That's not how it works.
Most sense ive seen written about this whole affair. And pretty much sums up what I think about it.

The true probably lies in the middle. But the kid and his family and the activists are milking this for every penny.

Love the fact that kid says now the police tortured him.
Hate to say it,But considering this guy is so smart..he cant be that smart,Was it not obvious to him taking a case with a clock in it full of wires + been a Muslim + school = not going to end well...as of everything that's been going on lately?

I'd take a wild guess that many people who frequent these forums are pretty smart. I'd also imagine there are a fair number of posters who have zero awareness of how the world works outside their bedroom (that's perhaps a little harsh, I could revise bedroom to house). Being clever in a certain field has very little correlation with predicting how reactionary muppets will overreact to nothing.
I'd take a wild guess that many people who frequent these forums are pretty smart. I'd also imagine there are a fair number of posters who have zero awareness of how the world works outside their bedroom (that's perhaps a little harsh, I could revise bedroom to house). Being clever in a certain field has very little correlation with predicting how reactionary muppets will overreact to nothing.

Correct house to moms basement and you're on to something.
don't presume to know or think you know what concerns me. cherry pick my posts all you want - had you bothered to read them all or maybe you did and they just went over your head, but all I offered was a possible reasoning for the school and police acting the way you did.

and like it or not the box of wires is central to the story - without it there is no story. you can have any other kid, you can have any other school. don't got a box of wires? you haven't got a story.

but perhaps the oxygen is thin up there on your high horse so you maybe don't get what I was saying, so i'll forgive you :p

I wouldn't need to presume if you actually bothered to comment on the real issue of his treatment by the school and police rather than wasting time inventing hypothetical situations where it actually is a bomb, or it's a prank, or whatever. By the time they got round to questioning him there was nothing to suggest the item was explosive, dangerous or that he had any intention to threaten or cause fear with it, and yet they still attempted to coerce a confession from him, then arrested, handcuffed and detained him without the parents present.

The air is fine up here actually, try pulling your head out your ass and you'll see for yourself.
I wouldn't need to presume if you actually bothered to comment on the real issue of his treatment by the school and police rather than wasting time inventing hypothetical situations where it actually is a bomb, or it's a prank, or whatever. By the time they got round to questioning him there was nothing to suggest the item was explosive, dangerous or that he had any intention to threaten or cause fear with it, and yet they still attempted to coerce a confession from him, then arrested, handcuffed and detained him without the parents present.

The air is fine up here actually, try pulling your head out your ass and you'll see for yourself.

However, making a hoax bomb and using it to threaten/scare people is an offence that warrants police arrest and questioning.

In this case, its clear now that the kid didnt do that. But that's after the investigation.

And if what the police says is true, then he didnt help himself by avoiding questions and not been cooperative. What was wrong with just saying its an electronic project for school where I have made a clock?
So he has been invited to the White House? Will he be taking the clock there with him to show the president? That would be ironic since no doubt if that was to happen then the security services will check it out fully to make sure its not a bomb :D


Ok this is what I think happened. Teacher thought it was a bomb. Realised it wasn't real but still reported the kid as the teacher might have suspected that he made a fake bomb thats why different events took time to pan out whereas they wouldn't have taken time if they suspected the bomb was real
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