I wouldn't need to presume if you actually bothered to comment on the real issue of his treatment by the school and police rather than wasting time inventing hypothetical situations where it actually is a bomb, or it's a prank, or whatever. By the time they got round to questioning him there was nothing to suggest the item was explosive, dangerous or that he had any intention to threaten or cause fear with it, and yet they still attempted to coerce a confession from him, then arrested, handcuffed and detained him without the parents present.
The air is fine up here actually, try pulling your head out your ass and you'll see for yourself.
pull my head out my ass? how or in what way have I gave the impression that my head is up my own ass?!
all I did was simply surmised a situation that explained why the school acted the way they did - as at the time I for the life of me couldn't come up with any other reason for their or the polices behaviour - but you felt the need to jump on that. which is fine, feel free to get your jollies that way if you wish.
by looking at possible ways to try and explain the situation, I thought it would have been quite obvious that my head was well clear of my ass and I was trying to observe the situation (from afar) with an open mind. you and many others on the other hand had the blinkers on and could see no wrong in the situation on the young lads part - or rather that there was no other explanation other than oh my god racial over reaction much. so I would suggest that it is you sir that needs to perhaps extract your ass out your head
you want my personal view on the situation?
the school acted shockingly imo, from the moment the kids teacher told him not to let anyone else see it (he obviously recognised the problems it could cause) while not taking it from him for the rest of the school day they had failed the lad and failed him badly* right up to the police arresting him and questioning him in the way they did was completely totally and utterly wrong.
had the it/engineering teacher shown a little bit of gumption or maybe a spine and held on to the clock until the end of the day it's likely the problem would have never surfaced.
I also put a degree (small though it may be) blame on the kids parents - assuming (is it ok with you if do a little assumption here?) that they saw and knew about his home made clock - surely they recognised the possible problems that it may cause. I certainly know if my child came and showed me that I would have gently pointed out, while telling them how cool it was, that maybe an alternative casing for it might be more appropriate, but maybe that's just me and maybe I do have my head up my ass
*I have my own opinions why the teacher didn't take it from the kid, but I shall refrain from speculating any further - I will defer to those who know (or think they do) better