14 year old arrested for bringing in homemade clock

Sounds like the sister was bullied for being different and suspended for something with no real evidence.

so she says, but the school can't release anymore details because of some form the parents wont sign. if she was being bullied and suspended with no real evidence surely that would show up in the schools report so why are the parents not allowing the school to release any more info?

maybe because she wasn't being bullied and maybe they did have evidence she made such a claim
so she says, but the school can't release anymore details because of some form the parents wont sign. if she was being bullied and suspended with no real evidence surely that would show up in the schools report so why are the parents not allowing the school to release any more info?

I doubt it would show up in the report. The report would have been written to support the suspension of the pupil.

Given the hysterical reaction of the school and police over the clock, I can understand why the parents wouldn't want this report made public. It's likely to contain an equally hysterical reaction to the accusation that the sister made a bomb threat.
I doubt it would show up in the report. The report would have been written to support the suspension of the pupil.

Given the hysterical reaction of the school and police over the clock, I can understand why the parents wouldn't want this report made public. It's likely to contain an equally hysterical reaction to the accusation that the sister made a bomb threat.

I get where you're coming from but I'd have thought that if the school report was released and full of false claims and inaccuracies the parents and their lawyers would be all over it.
just find it strange they don't want it made public given the level of media coverage they have garnered for the sons case. smells to me that they are trying to hide something.
perhaps the treatment the daughter received was in part some form of motivation for the sons little stunt. but I guess we'll never know - only the lad himself and possible his parents will know this
His lawyers are asking for $10m (£7m) from the city of Irving and $5m (£3.3m) from the Irving Independent School District, saying that Ahmed was "publicly mistreated" and remains scarred.

Does this face look like hes scarred and stressed about what happened?


I see a little smirk there,Hes probably thinking what a load of idiots,Soon il be rich. :o
I guess he will end up doing a spot of time for this.
The crowd goes ZZZzzz over that one... :D

They still use sundials in texas, they thought it was witch craft...

To be quite honest with you I don't think this is him demanding 15mil it is most probably his parents lawyers getting greedy.

This country is sue happy, that is prob. a big reason healthcare costs so much, docters have to have malpractice insurance & that costs a lot, so we have high med. bills... Really, someone will sue over lots of stuff over here...
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My problem is that the teacher immediately assumed it was a bomb, would she have said that if the kids name was David instead of Ahmed? Or if he was white instead of black?

To be fair if his name was David he would be unlikely to blow anyone up, however "none PC" it is a certain amount of profiling is understandable.

That is one of the most outrageous right wing agenda pushing websites I've ever seen. No wonder you're so unpleasant...."they're Sundanese, AND BY THE WAY, DID WE MENTION THAT THEY'RE IMMIGRANTS TOO!" **** me.

The kid is a douche. There was no reason to alert the media in the first place, so the fact that he now wants to be compensated for being a complete **** is incredible. Asking for money frontera hook as well, what a dick.

and yes, your clock does look like a bomb. What an arse.
This thread has been going a while, though today was the first time I read the title as 14 year old arrested for bringing in homemade duck.
Any sympathy I had for the the guy has now evaporated now that he is milking it for all its worth (and a lot that it is not worth!).

Yeah I know right. But I feel like this asking for money thing is cos of American culture. I doubt the same would happen here.
Yeah I know right. But I feel like this asking for money thing is cos of American culture. I doubt the same would happen here.

I work for a Solicitor in the Claims department (as well as other stuff) and you are wrong. People in this Country, just like America, will claim for anything now.
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