17 year old girl allowed to kill herself Legally

1 Jun 2013
I agree with this tbh.
As I have got older I have changed my opinions on stuff like this.

I'm telling you, all it takes is for you to watch someone close to you die slowly from a terrible disease for you to change your mind. An extra few months is not worth it when all you're doing is putting someone through agony, suffering and fear that they don't want. All because we're too squeamish as a society (at least in most countries) to help people end their lives with some peace and dignity.
2 Oct 2011
While I have my own opinions, who am I to say whether this is right or wrong.

I don't know what this person was going through so it would be wrong for me to judge.

Is it a shame, most definitely yes.
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
This is horrifying to me. I have several close friends who have struggled with anorexia. For some it's resolved. For others it will never fully go away but they have learned to manage it and are generally positive, happy people. One in particular, who was hospitalised for a time due to her anorexia, could have been this girl. It actually hurts me to think that her life could have been taken back then and denied her the life she has today.
16 Apr 2007
What an awful story :(

17 feels too young to me - I feel like when she turned 18 then no one could stop her really.

But she must have been pretty mentally messed up :(
1 Mar 2010
[ Original post lacks any empathy .. early Nexus generation replicant ? ]

Sad, objective, but liberating, BBC r4 diary from a 29yr old Dutch lady in a similar situation .. stuck with me -
Euthanasia - Aurelia's Story
The Documentary Podcast
Aurelia Brouwers, a Dutch woman of 29, lay down to die in January. She was deemed eligible for euthanasia on account of suffering caused by mental illness. This is her story...
18 Mar 2008
This is horrifying to me. I have several close friends who have struggled with anorexia. For some it's resolved. For others it will never fully go away but they have learned to manage it and are generally positive, happy people. One in particular, who was hospitalised for a time due to her anorexia, could have been this girl. It actually hurts me to think that her life could have been taken back then and denied her the life she has today.

Uhh why are you focusing on the anoxeria, which is almost certainly just a symptom of abuse and trying to tell people something is wrong, when the abuse itself and subsequent trauma is what's really at the center of her depression?
18 Oct 2002
Although I agree with assisted death I just don't think this was right. If somebody is on a path towards something like a painful death or isolation by disease then it has a place but here we have a 17 year old girl who has had a horrific childhood but isn't yet through that childhood.
I believe that she could have been helped through this time with the right professionals, the saying permanent solution to a temporary problem has been said already but its so very true, people have been through worse and come through, granted that in the middle of it all they may well have wanted to die but when through the other side would they say that it was wrong to have stopped them?

I agree and know that depression and mental health in general are twisted and horrid illnesses but you can't take the line of letting those people die because they don't think they will ever feel better, the real problem is that there isn't enough help for those people.
Did you see the news about the number of people self harming now? Mental health is such a massive problem now an we need to throw money and effort at the issue, we fail everybody that decides to take their own life due to mental health :(
1 Jun 2013
Although I agree with assisted death I just don't think this was right. If somebody is on a path towards something like a painful death or isolation by disease then it has a place but here we have a 17 year old girl who has had a horrific childhood but isn't yet through that childhood.
I believe that she could have been helped through this time with the right professionals, the saying permanent solution to a temporary problem has been said already but its so very true, people have been through worse and come through, granted that in the middle of it all they may well have wanted to die but when through the other side would they say that it was wrong to have stopped them?

I agree and know that depression and mental health in general are twisted and horrid illnesses but you can't take the line of letting those people die because they don't think they will ever feel better, the real problem is that there isn't enough help for those people.
Did you see the news about the number of people self harming now? Mental health is such a massive problem now an we need to throw money and effort at the issue, we fail everybody that decides to take their own life due to mental health :(

Don't you think her doctors and family went through all this with her? Tried every professional and personal avenue to help her? I imagine it was much harder for Noa to get assisted suicide than for most cases because of her young age.
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10 Apr 2013
Uhh why are you focusing on the anoxeria, which is almost certainly just a symptom of abuse and trying to tell people something is wrong, when the abuse itself and subsequent trauma is what's really at the center of her depression?

Anorexia is more about being in control when other parts of your life are falling apart. Doesnt have to be any form of abuse at all
8 Jun 2013

I don't know why this is allowed to happen to someone at the age of 17, at that age you don't even know what's happening with your own body you have all sorts of feelings dragging you everywhere.

I did read she was raped and had a lot of issues but that does not mean her future is doomed. She was physically fine and could have contributed to society.

Perhaps she would have committed suicide anyway but in no way should it be allowed by the authorities.

This sets a dangerous precedent and is tbh disgusting, liberalism and freedom gone too far in this case.
because it's none of your ****ing business, and you wanting to dictate who lives and dies and insinuating that they don't know what they want or what they want to live w/ is what's disgusting.
it's their choice and has **** all to do w/ you, end of story.
18 Oct 2002
Don't you think her doctors and family went through all this with her? Tried every professional and personal avenue to help her? I imagine it was much harder for Noa to get assisted suicide than for most cases because of her young age.

And at 17 had the choice taken away. I'm sorry but I know and have been involved with others who have and will battle for longer. Somebody who is feeling this way doesn't know that things could and most likely will be better.
Sure it is easier to give up and let that person die though isn't it. Are you cruel to want them to live and hope to get through it? I personally don't think so.

Maybe if the age was higher I would be less inclined to argue against but at 17 despite all that argue against you are not yet the person you will become. Ask any middle aged person how much they changed aged 15-30. Being allowed to take your own life at 17 for these reasons isn't something I can side with and the fact that she wanted to is a failing of support.



3 Oct 2003
because it's none of your ****ing business, and you wanting to dictate who lives and dies and insinuating that they don't know what they want or what they want to live w/ is what's disgusting.
it's their choice and has **** all to do w/ you, end of story.

It's all of our business if a impressionable youngster who is still growing up decides to terminate her own life due to depression.

Society is what we make it.

I have had depression and it is bad but in no way does it determine your future. I have been imprisoned, had the mental shock of almost killing someone (accidentally) so I know pain.

Perhaps if you have a child, and one day they say to you I want to end it I wonder what you will say then.

Life is a gift, most of our experiences are happy ones we are emotional creatures.

Someone living in a society where you can achieve so much yet decides to throw it down the drain due to depression/abuse is very wrong and I find it abhorrent.

To me it is another example of what happens when society looses core moral values.
1 Jun 2013
And at 17 had the choice taken away. I'm sorry but I know and have been involved with others who have and will battle for longer. Somebody who is feeling this way doesn't know that things could and most likely will be better.
Sure it is easier to give up and let that person die though isn't it. Are you cruel to want them to live and hope to get through it? I personally don't think so.

Maybe if the age was higher I would be less inclined to argue against but at 17 despite all that argue against you are not yet the person you will become. Ask any middle aged person how much they changed aged 15-30. Being allowed to take your own life at 17 for these reasons isn't something I can side with and the fact that she wanted to is a failing of support.

So you think her family and doctors preferred to euthanise her rather than force her to stay alive or commit suicide? That they did this as a convenient out, instead of a last resort after years of effort and treatment?
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18 Oct 2002
Maybe people should find a proper story on it rather than this religious, life is sacred, BS narrative that is being pushed by certain news organisations with that kind of agenda to grind.

She was raped at 14 iirc, she spent three years in and out of institutions, wrote a book about her experience, feeling violated as if a criminal being placed against her will in an institution and at times forced into isolation and restraints. She spent multiple periods of time refusing food and water leaving her extremely sick and also in pain and uncomfortable.

She did not walk into a centre that helps you die and say yeah, it's too much I think, can I kick it, only to be told yes you can. She was in agony for years, and the last time she was in hospital she was severely underweight, sick as a dog, in pain and there were really two options, force feed her through a feeding tube which is painful and horrible at the best of times and worse still if the person fights it, they could give her, or provide her pain medication and let her drift away as she was already close to death. For someone who had made it clear they wanted to die for years and was in nothing but pain day to day, they made absolutely the right choice.

The narrative being pushed that I see unsurprisingly by Fox news that neglected even larger portions of the story essentially ignoring everything between being raped and asking to be killed and implied the doctors said yes first time with little other effort put in, and even in this story is stupid. She was barely conscious and ON HER WAY TO DEATH, due to yet another attempt to end her life. If they force fed her that time, she'd just stop eating again at some stage and require the brutal force feeding for weeks or months anyway. SO in effect the alternative was nurses and doctors both being forced to hurt their patient and in effect torture the patient for months just to go against her will.
8 Jun 2013
It's all of our business if a impressionable youngster who is still growing up decides to terminate her own life due to depression.

Society is what we make it.

I have had depression and it is bad but in no way does it determine your future. I have been imprisoned, had the mental shock of almost killing someone (accidentally) so I know pain.

Perhaps if you have a child, and one day they say to you I want to end it I wonder what you will say then.

Life is a gift, most of our experiences are happy ones we are emotional creatures.

Someone living in a society where you can achieve so much yet decides to throw it down the drain due to depression/abuse is very wrong and I find it abhorrent.

To me it is another example of what happens when society looses core moral values.
all of which is all your opinion and nothing to do w/ her. their body, up to them, no matter how much you don't like it. doubtless you're an antiabortionist etc as well. tough **** if you think it's abhorrent, i'm more of the opinion that the abuse that started this is the abhorrent issue. she's lived w/ this for years, so it's not like a whim decision. if your stance is that you would deny her and force her to live w/ it longer, or force her into some other form of suicide, you're abhorrent too. and that's about the least I can say on that opinion otherwise the mods would just pull the post.
23 Dec 2011
Northern England
Difficult one this...she had a condition which is totally treatable and curable but horrible to live with in the meantime.
Long term fix for a short term problem.



3 Oct 2003
all of which is all your opinion and nothing to do w/ her. their body, up to them, no matter how much you don't like it. doubtless you're an antiabortionist etc as well. tough **** if you think it's abhorrent, i'm more of the opinion that the abuse that started this is the abhorrent issue. she's lived w/ this for years, so it's not like a whim decision. if your stance is that you would deny her and force her to live w/ it longer, or force her into some other form of suicide, you're abhorrent too. and that's about the least I can say on that opinion otherwise the mods would just pull the post.

What kind of nonsense is "their body so it's up to them"?

She is 17 years old, she is a child despite legally 16 being seen as adulthood due to the onset of puberty it does not mean one has all the experience or knowledge to be able to make such a decision.

My stance is she needed help/support and the lack of that help is the real problem here.

You should help others who are suffering, not legalise there death and eliminate them from society.

To me this is just as bad as the Nazis euthanising (through painless means they thought it was ok too) they deemed not fit for society.



6 Jun 2004
Reading around, it seems that there's a bit of a different story to the one the UK press ran with.

A 17-year-old rape victim was NOT euthanised in the Netherlands.
@euronews @Independent @DailyMailUK @dailybeast are all wrong
It took me about 10 mins to check with the reporter who wrote the original Dutch story.
Noa Pothoven asked for euthanasia and was refused

Infuriatingly, it's too late: this misinformation has already spread all over the world from Australia to the United States to India. Her name, #noapothoven is even trending in Italy.

I spoke to Paul Bolwerk, a reporter who has been covering the story for @DeGelderlander since 2018. Noa Pothoven had been severely ill with anorexia and other conditions for some time. Without telling her parents, she sought and was refused euthanasia

The family had tried many kinds of psychiatric treatment and Noa Pothoven was repeatedly hospitalised; she made a series of attempts to kill herself in recent months. In desperation the family sought electro shocktherapy, which was refused due to her young age.

After electroshock therapy was refused, Pothoven insisted she wanted no further treatment and a hospital bed was set up at home in the care of her parents. At the start of June she began refusing all fluids and food, and her parents and doctors agreed not to force feed her.

A decision to move to palliative care and not to force feed at the request of the patient is not euthanasia. Dutch media did not report Noa Pothoven's death as a case of euthanasia. This idea only appeared in English language pickups of Dutch reporting.

How has this happened? @newscomauHQ and @laubchad have questions to answer, as authors of early English-language articles that made a leap to conclude euthanasia from the report that Pothoven once asked for it, and an Instagram post in which she wrote that she was going to die

I had immediate questions reading the Dutch articles about whether this was a case of euthanasia or not. It would have been an enormous deal in the Netherlands if a 17-year-old really had euthanasia. It's really easy to check. Like I say, took me about 10 minutes. Infuriating.

Emphasis is my own.
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