186mph... through traffic?

malc30 said:
Pretty tame to be honest. Shakey on a Booooosssaaaaa is my favourite vid. The fast bike vids are the way to go.
I love Shakey on the TL1000R when he hits the oncoming cars wing mirror with his shoulder :p

Closest I've come is hitting my mirror with an oncoming cars mirror. He was well encroaching into my lane mid corner :mad:
Closest brush Ive had is with taxi, touched (not clipped) his wing mirror and the kerb on the other side with my wheel, neither impacted but literally brushed past. Could not have been any closer
I just can not begin to like the sound of any Motor bike.
IS there something wrong with me? :(
ob1 said:
Not even a harley?

Most bikes buzz too much.
The harley is too American sounding with its roaring grumble.

That Busa sounds ok but then it must have been getting its nuts reved off because it started to get high pitched :o
Burbleflop said:
What have Harleys got to do with motorbikes? I normally compare the sound of a Harley to a Massey Ferguson.


lol... well I sort of reference the noise from a harley as one continuous fart..pretty much spot on IMO ;)
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