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I've got a 2500K system that will ruin most i7's.

Thats less likely these days, I thought the same when I had mine, but after investigation I found that the minute increases in performance have stacked up quite significantly, so to match a current stock i5 7600K or whatever it is called you'd need to be running over 5GHz, and that would only match an i7 in applications/games which don't use more than 4 threads.

2500K is still an excellent chip though, I'd still be using mine were it not for the fact that a 2700K came up very cheaply. :)

Certainly no plans to upgrade from Sandybridge just yet! We definitely bought at the right time.
its a wonder why amd are making more cores on cpus for no reason ? :D


x99 is better or level in most games to i6700k.that are modern.more games coming out also will finally take advantage of the extra cores.;)

Funny that's what people were saying when skylake came out...1.5 years later, hmm... what games?
Yes, AMD will go overboard with hype, then the product will come and will be what everyone though it would be before AMD fuelled the hype train, but because of the hype everyone will be disappointed.
Its not people, its AMD. I don't know why they do it to themselves. I know the "overclockers dream" thing is overused, but its a perfect example. They overhyped the 480 too to the point everyone thought it was a flop when it launched despite being a great product.

They should just drop Zen without a word and just let it speak for itself IMO
Its not people, its AMD. I don't know why they do it to themselves. I know the "overclockers dream" thing is overused, but its a perfect example. They overhyped the 480 too to the point everyone thought it was a flop when it launched despite being a great product.

They should just drop Zen without a word and just let it speak for itself IMO

AMD are guilty of hype, but they're not responsible for people turning the 480 into a 200 pound Fury X. People like Humbug did that.
AMD have officially said 40% over previous offerings in terms of IPC for Zen. But that's turned into better than Broadwell IPC period from posters. I personally expect Zen to have inconsistent core for core performance based on the features AMD mentioned, but that's to be seen.
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AMD are guilty of hype, but they're not responsible for people turning the 480 into a 200 pound Fury X. People like Humbug did that.
AMD have officially said 40% over previous offerings in terms of IPC for Zen. But that's turned into better than Broadwell IPC period from posters. I personally expect Zen to have inconsistent core for core performance based on the features AMD mentioned, but that's to be seen.

I dunno, I cant quite remember exacly, but I remember AMD tweating a picture of maybe a 1900xt and implying the rx480 was going to be its spiritual successor? Like I say, I cant remember the details.

But AMD have a habit of hyping the crap out of all their stuff, and its just not good business sense. If its going to be AMAZING, then by all means shout it from the rooftops, but if its going to be OK, then limit expectations...
I think the 480 is a great product today, but at launch it missed most peoples expectations, was worse than a gtx970 / 290 and cost more than them (at EOL prices) so it missed the mark. then the 1060 came out and beat it and things looks even more dire

now, all the 970s / 290s have gone, and due to driver improvements, it beats the 1060 and is generally cheaper, so its looking pretty good.
I think the 480 is a great product today, but at launch it missed most peoples expectations, was worse than a gtx970 / 290 and cost more than them (at EOL prices) so it missed the mark. then the 1060 came out and beat it and things looks even more dire

now, all the 970s / 290s have gone, and due to driver improvements, it beats the 1060 and is generally cheaper, so its looking pretty good.

The pound was also a lot better then before the 480's launch, so it made it look worse.
What my 290X cost then, wouldn't be the same now. I paid £250 for my R9 290X a few years back.
The pound was also a lot better then before the 480's launch, so it made it look worse.



Gamers Nexus review.

Just after the 11 minute mark they have TimeSpy and FireStrike results. Now admittedly there 7700K is one of the top clockers out there but its beating out my [email protected] in the CPU scores. That is impressive and probably the trigger I need to push the GO button.

Damn, 5.1GHz is pretty impressive even for firestrike benching stable! Even so, I cant say I'm tempted over my 4790k tbh, its fairly marginal.
Thats £348 then;)

You can pick up a 6700K for about that. Though you can also get a 4790K for a bit less.

Also know has the "devalued pound tax"

Talking £340 to £380 for this CPU.
i going to guess £349.99 ;)
You've got to be kidding. These 5Ghz+ bundles will fly off the shelves just like previous ones have, remember the 4790K 'Goldrush'? Anyway having since checked RAM prices I was probably a little conservative on my price estimate.

At a guess:
CPU £400 (inclusive of binning/delidding service)
M/B £200
16Gb RAM £160
AIO £100
£200 for a motherboard? you mean £300-350 right? the asus maximus formula is going to be £350, there is a none lights version for £300 as well. i think they will use a high end board like these for the binned a delid chips :(
^^^ I was looking at the current Z170 MSI Gamming 7 as a reference point. They may use a more expensive board but I would guess stability/a well sorted BIOS will be priority, provided it has the right power delivery.

That's a nice downgrade. Lose money and cores!

It should actually be a nice upgrade in VR where maintaining 90FPS at all times is highly desirable. In all my present games, I only play racing sims, I can become single threaded bottlenecked which leads to drops from 90FPS. Not what you want in the heat of the action although Oculus' ASW does a stand up job considering. A 5Ghz+ 7700K may mitigate some of or all of this and I know plenty of other sim races who feel likewise and will be all over this.
This could be interesting. As far as I can see if someone already has a 4core8thread system basically from Ivybridge up you'll see very little tangible improvement in upgrading. I mean the 7700k will do everything better than the older i7s, but unless you have a frame counter or stop watch you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference. Not really going to be anything that you could do now that you couldn't before.
However if there's a 6 core 12 thread amd for a similar price and maybe 90% the single core performance (big if as we have next to no details as of yet) then people on older i7s would have a fairly tangible reason to upgrade.

All of that being said even if amd does come out with a competitive range, a 4 c 8t a 6c 12t and the 8c 16t all at really good prices for the moment the best cpu for gaming will be a 7700k but it won't be the best bang for buck. And won't be the best for a mixed workload.

All very exciting if this plays out we might actually have real competition where there aren't correct answers and each new build will have to weigh up pros and cons.
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