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Yep, the only time in my life when the motherboard I purchased cost more than the CPU. Swear I never do that again.....might change at this rate!

My first proper build I went to town with the motherboard and got a belter. By the time to upgrade came round, I thought there was no point doing that again, as I used very little of the extra functionality.

As a result, I didn't properly do my research, and bought the wrong MB for my 4770k. Too expensive just now to make the change for a basically obsolete board, so lesson is now learned. When a decent Z series 1150 MB comes up for a decent enough price, I may upgrade then. But until then, I'll stick with what I have.

I will likely go Zen when we know more about it for my next build which I should really be doing now, but decided to wait on AMD. I will go all in on the MB again then.

I'm starting to think I've missed the point of this thread within 12 pages of arguing...

Show me the money.

Yes. I too am itching to see where the prices will land, so I can figure out if I'm as well just going i5 for the next build, or hold out for a 4c/8t AMD for hopefully the same / similar price.
a while back they more or less confirmed that this thread was about them offering de-lidded overclocked 7700k sets, though no more details. The people who would do the confirming and details are in Vegas, or on their way there, so maybe tonight we'll see details
And here was me thinking this was a ZEN thread, since it looks like the NDA on intel is now lifted, and there is still no official word here.

I think this was the KayLake Hype thread, if i remember rightly at least one reviewer said there will be an unlocked i3 7350K..... thats something to get hyped about, or not, for about $170, for a dual core! Moo....

More Zen Hype may come tomorrow here.... http://ve.ga/
It's you.

Most of your statements are wrong. Skylake clocks better than Haswell (4.6Ghz minimum, 4.7 is very common). Most 7700k's will be 4.9Ghz/5.0Ghz stable.

Clock speed does still matter in many games.

K series CPU's aren't much more expensive than the non K versions. They have much higher stock speeds and consequently have much higher resale value. Hence all the news that the K series are selling extremely well for Intel over the last year or two. Literally no reason to buy the non K version, it has much worse perf/$.

Sorry but I don't agree with you and several others on here have the same opinion as me. I just have no faith that most 7700k's will hit 4.9-5Ghz. Even if they do a 700-800mhz overclock is nothing to shout about. That's just a mediocre overclock at best. Intel looks to have already increased vcore for the extra 200mhz over the 6700k and that will leave less for the end user. It also doesn't alter the fact that they charge more for a unlocked platform (K series cpu/Z series motherboard) and the overclocking headroom is getting less and less with each generation.
Right ^^^^ its just a 6700K with a factory overclock.

Its the same thing as Haswell to Devils Canyon, What AMD did with the 290X became the 390X, Nvidia renamed the GTX 680 the GTX 770.

If you slam your 6700K with over 1.4v and let it burn at 100c i'm sure you'll get it upto 4.8Ghz too....

This is Intel response to Zen, clock it up, re-brand it, get reviewers to burn clock it to make it look better.....
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And? i'll take performance over 8 pence a month saved on my lekky.

Most technology manufacturers these days are focussed on improving power efficiency. Intel mainstream is designed for mobile devices where power efficiency is king, Intel enthusiast is aimed at servers where power efficiency allows them to add more cores. Power efficiency is much more important to Intel's main markets than overclocking, Intel's cores are already plenty fast enough as it is.

Besides, now that AMD (with Zen) offer the same big cores as Intel on a similar sized manufacturing process there's every chance they'll struggle with raising clockspeeds as well.
5 ghz is impressive and im sure if delided would run cooler, but i think 4 core era is closely coming to the end , i am looking forward for 6c6t zen , and still probably stick with what i have for 1 more year .
That's the thing though, it isn't that impressive when you consider it's only 800mhz more than the base clock and only 500mhz more than the turbo clock. In overclocking terms that's pretty pathetic. A lot of us on here are used to much better than that. It wasn't that long ago when 1.2-1.5Ghz overclocks were the norm. My last decent overclocking cpu was the i5 760 I had before this current build and overclocked to 4.2Ghz, a 1.4Ghz overclock. There is just no headroom left anymore to get a decent size overclock. :(
They were all great from that generation. The i3 5XX's, i5 7XX's and i7 9XX's were all great. The 920 had a base clock of 2.66GHz but most would easily hit 4GHz.

The Q6600 was another good one too. And the Core 2 Duo's were pretty decent.

In fact, most older CPU's...
That's the thing though, it isn't that impressive when you consider it's only 800mhz more than the base clock and only 500mhz more than the turbo clock. In overclocking terms that's pretty pathetic. A lot of us on here are used to much better than that. It wasn't that long ago when 1.2-1.5Ghz overclocks were the norm. My last decent overclocking cpu was the i5 760 I had before this current build and overclocked to 4.2Ghz, a 1.4Ghz overclock. There is just no headroom left anymore to get a decent size overclock. :(

Yup Intel have cut steadily into the overclocking margin with each generation to try and hide the measley IPC improvement.
Yup Intel have cut steadily into the overclocking margin with each generation to try and hide the measley IPC improvement.

Ultimately, a fully optimised chip from the factory that is able to detect how good the employed cooling solution is and turbo or clock up appropriately,there should be very little overclocking headroom? and any extra performance we get from it ourselves would naturally lead to a shorter lifespan? I'm guessing Intel are now more able or more wiling to run their processors closer to the failure point than in the past hence less overclocking headroom.

I don't know why otherwise a CPU would be released at say 4ghz if it easily overclocks to say 5Ghz(on air). Overclockerss may think "awesome", but I'd be happy to buy one already at 5Ghz from the factory with zero oc headroom.
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