
Yep I am just like the OP, just blackness. And until 5 minutes ago i never realised there was any other way.

This is a bit shocking for me too. I always thought i was fairly 'imaginative' so to speak, but really...i can't 'see' anything when i close my eyes and try to see something. Just fuzzy blackness. Damn...this is a bit of a downer actually.. :(
do you mean hallucinating...with your eyes open, or being able to see a picture of whatever you wanted with eyes closed?

That's indirectly reminded me of something. Synathesia...synthesthesia...bah, I'll have to ask the duck...synaesthesia. Input to one sense being copied over and interpreted into another sense. Not quite what you describe, but similar. Some people have it all the time - they see sounds, smell colours or whatever. It sounds strange and confusing, but it's not because you're just getting interpretations of sensory input like you always do. Sensory input that's not actually there, but it's presented to your consciousness in the normal way so it's normal and thus not strange and confusing. If a certain sound is a certain shade of green, well, that's how it is. I've had it when taking LSD...which brings me back to the topic of this thread because I could then visualise imaginary things and "see" them in the way that apparently almost everyone can do normally.
do you mean hallucinating...with your eyes open, or being able to see a picture of whatever you wanted with eyes closed?

Definitely yes on the former, not so sure on the latter. It was 30 years ago, so my memory isn't so good. Also, I wasn't in a normal state of mind. Eyes open or closed? Not sure. Which came first - the seeing or the wanting to see? Not sure. My clearest memory is of the time I spent an unknown amount of time staring at the pattern of moving pink geometric shapes that revealed important great truths about the nature of reality to me. My memory of those events is not a reliable indication of anything :)
I'm still not sure if when people say they they have a mental image it's just as vivid as the visuals when taking hallucinogens....maybe it's just hard to accept that they do!

Earlier in the thread someone mentioned picturing someones face on another body...I can think of 1 persons head and another body but not really see it at all!

Found this...I get nothing https://youtu.be/3F2qjtwcMhA
Personally I don't have vivid mental images when awake (though do when asleep dreaming) - there will be a narrow focus where I have a perception of colour and some detail in my mind around that a slightly wider area lacking in colour and real detail unless I start to think about those areas which slightly fills in a bit - its kind of hard to explain.
Mind blown.

I'm now imagining what you imagine if you can't imagine.

Edit: Yes I actually have to try and imagine nothing because if I don't images automatically pop up in my minds eye.
To the people who're saying they can't 'see' things in their mind. If you were asked to draw something simple, like a clock - could you really not 'picture' what you were going to draw before you'd actually drawn it?

If I close my eyes all I see is blackness too. I can't create a vivid image in front of my eyes. But that doesn't mean I can't 'see' things with my imagination. In fact I find it easier to imagine images with my eyes open.

I'm sure some people can recall images with clarity and detail far beyond what I can. But to not even be able to picture a simple image, even just vaguely at the back of your mind somewhere, seems weird.
Also explains why that memory technique of imaging walking through a hotel never worked for me. Could never understand how it was meant to help, know it makes sense
I'm not sure if this will be allowed but,
LSD. That's as close to synathesia (sp)
As most normal people are going to get.
That feels like it severely crosses some wires between sight and sound.
hmm...I know how the numbers sit on a clock, and can remember details about different clocks, like grandfather clock has the cabinet bit below, cuckoo clock with the cuckoo etc but still unsure if that's 'seeing' it??

All my drawings look like kids drawings, but I just assumed I'm rubbish at drawing!
hmm...I know how the numbers sit on a clock, and can remember details about different clocks, like grandfather clock has the cabinet bit below, cuckoo clock with the cuckoo etc but still unsure if that's 'seeing' it??

All my drawings look like kids drawings, but I just assumed I'm rubbish at drawing!

Thing is, i'd say a fairly large percentage of people's drawings look pretty crude, but that doesn't mean that they've got this condition.

So the guess is that about 2% of the pop have it, but that's not to say only 2% of the pop are rubbish at drawing, is it!

Any way...I know what questions i'll be asking everyone at work tomorrow! I'm looking forward to hearing what my colleagues see when they have to visualise stuff.
To the people who're saying they can't 'see' things in their mind. If you were asked to draw something simple, like a clock - could you really not 'picture' what you were going to draw before you'd actually drawn it?

If I close my eyes all I see is blackness too. I can't create a vivid image in front of my eyes. But that doesn't mean I can't 'see' things with my imagination. In fact I find it easier to imagine images with my eyes open.

I'm sure some people can recall images with clarity and detail far beyond what I can. But to not even be able to picture a simple image, even just vaguely at the back of your mind somewhere, seems weird.

No, if I was to draw a clock then I'd remember that it would be a circle with numbers around it. Some hands. Perhaps in a cabinet or something. But no, I wouldn't be able to picture what I wanted to draw and then replicate that.
Do you suffer with anxiety at all?

Reason I ask is because a lot of my anxiety can stem from visualising scenarios in my head that can spiral out of control and in turn make me anxious.

That sounds like bliss falling asleep with nothing. Not having to worry and visualise my own or family members deaths sounds fantastic!

Even when reading your posts I visualise the way you look and sound from playing with you on xbox many moons ago and seeing pictures you posted of yourself here. I do however recall one with long hair over newer photos first.

If you had an altercation and had to recall and describe people involved to the police, how would you do it? Would you remember facts about a person in a split second altercation? I would imagine what a person looked like.

What if you have those random times where you laugh at something you remember and visualise the act of it happening that caused it?
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