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Fascinating thread - wasn't expecting to read the whole thing, but I've gone through all the replies.

I'm on the total opposite side of the scale to you @Kreeeee . I'm in no way artistic and can't draw a horse if my life depended on it, but I can easily bring one to the forefront in my "mind's eye". I can not just conjure a static image to mind, but can think up (or be suggested) a fully immersive daydream or scenarios to mind. I can't actually sense (smell / touch / hear) in these scenarios, but can get to a close approximation of those sensations.

My wife still catches me out now and again, when I slip into a daydream and accidentally blurt out something random out in response to someone else in my daydream :p

I never considered that other people are any different to me, but it makes a lot of sense now. Without going into long-winded details, but I've been a phobic for a long time and had gone to all manner of quacks to sort it out (finally did manage to crack it). I was always told that I'm "easy" to perform hypnosis on, while some others are harder, and some people just plain impossible. Hypnosis is based on the therapists ability to put you in a deep rest, by allowing your subconscious to flow into a dream like state, by "imagining along" with what the therapist tells you. I would venture a guess that you're in the "impossible" bucket!
never realised people couldnt see things .i can see the different coves and the colours ,textures of the rock ect
was watching a vid on a 911 targa in yellow , i can see it vividly and spin in around in 3d
always been a daydreamer with terrible attention span and been told all my life i just freeze and stare into space ,
I have two roles in two (soon to be three) different companies. I am a Technical Architect, where I design software at a highly abstract level and I also act as a translator between CEOs who speak business jargon and programmers who speak geek. I also work in Computer Forensics as a side job.

It was difficult not to let the thread get derailed at the start but yeah it's turned out to be an interesting thread for both sides of the fence.

Your comments about hypnosis explains why I think hypnosis is a crock of ****. Maybe it's not, and as you say it just doesn't work on me.

If I wake up from a nightmare (the only dreams I seem to remember) I know what the dream was about and who was in it, and I am aware that there were images in the dream, but I am unable to see anything if I think about the dream even immediately after I wake up.

I remember phone numbers very well, but you don't need to visualise anything at all to do that.

I cannot hear things that aren't there either.

That's how my dreams work...only remember the whack ones. Can remember who was in them and maybe a few important objects.

How about directions? I'm useless at navigating without a map. I've prob spent more time than most on the road as a passenger, and as a job! Maybe its a separate 'sense of direction' thing, or just not paying attention!

I can remember numbers etc easily too, better than most of my friends...in fact most won't even have a serious conversation about this with me...just think I'm being daft!

I went to a hypnotist ages ago when I was freaking out a bit about something...I only went once and wrote it off as nonsense
I cannot hear things that aren't there either.
Are you able to put on an accent? I tend to 'hear' them, in my head, before I can then talk in them.

actually, maybe that's not entirely true. I use trigger phrases to start me off. I guess some of those I do in my head, though.
I thought about this thread this morning.

I checked my car manual at home to see which fuse I needed to remove. I memorised the location of the fuse on the board based on the orientation in the manual (middle row, right hand side, next to two large fuses) but basically pictured it in my head with a red circle to highlight it. Headed to my car parked some distance away, removed all the crap from the glovebox, fiddled with some other things and got to the fuse board. Maybe 5-10 minutes had passed.

The board was orientated 90 degrees out from the picture in the manual so I visualised the board in my mind, rotated the visual image to match it with what I had previously memorised and pulled the correct fuse.

It boggles my mind that people can't do that.
^^ could maybe do that, but I'd be thinking 2 left, 4 down from the big fuse.. or whatever. And tilt my head to the side a bit so down was actually right etc :D
Showed the GF this thread and now she is absolutely devastated that she only sees black when she closes her eyes and thinks she has no imagination now. It's really upset her ;(
No, but I've asked every colleague. I'm the only one that has aphantasia out of those I've asked.

Yepp, my dad is the only person I've spoke to that's said he couldn't picture things as soon as I asked. As I say most don't even take it seriously.
One of my mates I think is like me and just thinks everyone thinks in concepts/details, still to speak to him again to see if he's convinced yet!
Nope, I'm useless at emulating accents.

I score very highly on the perceptual reasoning sections of IQ tests so I can do everything you wrote but without any images. I just understand rotations of 3D objects without seeing them in my mind.

When I solve 3D puzzles I just look at them for a while and the solution comes to mind without any conscious processing/visualisation.

I'm pretty good with directions. I can reverse a fairly long new route that I just travelled without any problems for example. Approaching an unfamiliar roundabout from a new direction where there aren't binary left or right turns can be a problem but I think that's the case for everyone.

Can you describe how as I can't get my head around how someone could spatially reason or rotate a map without an image in their mind?
Showed the GF this thread and now she is absolutely devastated that she only sees black when she closes her eyes and thinks she has no imagination now. It's really upset her ;(
Whatever you do, don't ask her to take a voight kampff test. :)
"I'll tell you about my mother"...
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