2.30am here and just back from Hospital ..... might have a brain tumor

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If my Auntie had Gonads she would be my Uncle.

Basically, Don't worry about something that has not happened, there are lots of reasons for constant headaches. Poor vision in one eye can cause this or even just slightly off vision. Not bad enough to notice but your brain auto focuses to much which causes headaches.
Just chill & enjoy your family until you actually find out what is causing it then stress.

Best of Luck & keep us informed.
that is bad news mate my thoughts are with you

my uncles misses found she had one a couple of months ago after she kept blacking out, they operated within a week but it all went well and shes as good as gold now

i know it sounds terrible but there pretty good theese brain surgeons and it may not be a tumor in the end mate

keep your chin up
Its very good that you have gone to have it checked early incase the worst case scenario does arise it can be treated before it progress. So even if it is bad news and u do have a tumour (highly unlikely) then todays doctors and treatments can easily get rid of it at this early stage :)

Hope everything goes ok.

My mum managed to pull through breast cancer btw :D
:eek: :(

Im sure you'll be fine.

You're Australian now and have inherited our fighting spirit :D
That must be a truly terrifying situation to be in. You have my sympathies and my best wishes of luck :)
I agree with the sentiments here. You can only try to avoid worrying as there are so many things it could be other than the worst case scenario. If it's any consolation I've had migraines with symptoms very similar to what you describe but it's best that you talk to professionals over this rather than trawl the 'net looking for answers or taking advice from people who probably know little better than you do.

Good luck with it though - here's hoping you'll be just fine! :)
stinka said:
my uncles misses found she had one a couple of months ago after she kept blacking out, they operated within a week but it all went well and shes as good as gold now
OP, even what feels like the worst of news isn't the end. A friend of mine's fiance had an operation to remove a tumour on her brain about three months ago. She's now completely back to normal. He's in the pub every Friday moaning about how she's making his life hell - it's like six months ago!

Keep your chin up and worry about what you know, not about what you don't know. Best of luck.
It might not be that bad.
One of my mates has had a brain tumour behind his right eye for decades and its only now he's 60 that they are going to operate.
Good luck.
I hope all turns out well. As said, enjoy the moment, and try not to worry until you know for sure what the problem is. Use this as an opportunity to see the fantastic things in your life and the true abundance that is all around you. My thoughts are with you fella :)
Just thought I'd add that I know 2 people who have had operations for brain tumors and both turned out successful.

Hope everything goes well for you.
Chin up matey. You have my thoughts and I really hope it turns out to be something minor.

Good luck for tomorrow.
hope everything goes OK mate and don't worry.. thoughts are with ya and i hope its good news when you go for your scan... keep us posted...
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