2.30am here and just back from Hospital ..... might have a brain tumor

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Hope it turns out ok. Don't assume the worst, a while back I had my left side go numb, vision went, excrutiating pain, etc., I thought "OMG, I'm having a stroke, I'm going to die", turns out it was a migraine and a sinus infection. Best wishes dude, and stay positive. Whatever it is, you'll get through it! :)
Im recovering from Throat cancer myself mate. I think I know what you are feeling.

As everyone else said already mate.

Good luck and keep thinking positive... Its most likely to be something silly.

In some effort to try to add humour....

Think of the worst thing it can possibly be...
Then, when you get the results...
It can only be good news!

Anyway, good luck mate... Keep us posted yeah?

She also thought the same.

(Only joking just trying to cheer you up! hope all goes ok for you mr.)
All the best Toryglen Boy - the waiting's the really bad bit in these situations. Fingers crossed for you that all will be okay.
Here's one from The Daily Motivator: http://www.greatday.com/motivate/

Live the richness

What's so great about today? That's for you to decide, determine and fulfill.

Is there any reason for today to be a memorable one? There is when you create a good reason.

This day does not have to be bland and indistinguishable from all the others. Because you are here to make it special.

There is something exciting and compelling that you've been meaning to do. Today is when you can put your plans into action.

Today is the moment to give life to your dreams. Today is your opportunity to offer your dreams to life.

Take a deep, slow breath, and focus on all the positive possibilities that are here on this day. Then get up, go out and live the richness.

-- Ralph Marston
Chin up mate, you have to cling to the hope it will be alright - if not you will go crazy. In the last two years I have gone through a bout of cancer and more recently a stroke (only 34), and today I found out there's "something" in my noodle they aren't sure what it is (cancer, random pointless thing or potential blood explosion area).

I think you hit the nail on the head with your comment "so this is what scared REALLY feels like ...", use that feeling and turn it to your advantage - there is something to be gained by this all.

The only way I have coped with it all is to grasp every day you can, especially with your daughter - I cannot imagine not being around when my now 5yr old son grows up and I'll be damned if I will give in to it all. State of mind counts for an awful lot, it really does.

I'm fit and healthy right now, you wouldn't know by looking I had a stroke 2 months ago, so ease up - it may not be that bad.

Good luck :)
have had the scan done, am now jsut waiting on the results. they wont jsut tell me, i have to go to the hospital, and speak to some dude about it

will keep you posted

many, many thanks for everyones support, it has really lifted me

not going to lie , i do know people where its turned out not so good

i know of way more people who've been back to "normal" after only a few months though , especially when noticed early like in your situation

a family friend had one at the front of his brain that was giving him headahces and dodgy vision , they eventually found out what it was (tumor) and they removed it through his nose :eek: , was back at work in a few months when he got sick of daytime tv :)

i think when people hear the words brain tumor they automatically think of horror movies or pictures like that one above ^ , dont :)

good luck with the test results though , hope its something easy to fix
good luck and i really hope turns out to be something simple and curable keep your chin up and think positive and do what all us brits do in time of crisis have a nice cup of tea ;)
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