2005 Brazilian Gran Prix

And ITV 'will be back in just a sec to complete their coverage'? They could have let us know they started it in the first place, a pretty poor excuse for coverage if you ask me...
with out doubt a pants broadcaster 50 years of naughty words meaning bad broadcasting!!!!!!

absolutely pants, pants coverage pants commentator (allen) pant pants pants
//Mike said:
A better driver?? Because, let's face it, by doing just the bare minimum in the seond half of the season, he has completely outclassed both Kimi and Montoya...?

Nah, not a better driver by any stretch of the imagaination mate.

If you can do so well in the 1st half of the season then why try ;).

Kimi and Montoya are only quick now due to the McLaren being so much faster than anything else, at the start of the season they werent. To be a world champion you need to collect points, just think about kimi at the nurburg GP, should have pitted and came out and picked up some points, didnt and he lost the lot.

The better driver is not always the fastest ;).
Raikkonen has consistantly been the better driver this year.

However due to various McLaren/Mercedes failures and some bad luck Alonso got the World Championship.

It's purely the consistancy of the Renault that's won it.
I instantly thought the camera shots were better than at most other races, because I can't stand those 'looking down the straight' angles because the cars look slow and boring.

Anyway......Alonso ***!
Arc said:
just think about kimi at the nurburg GP, should have pitted and came out and picked up some points, didnt and he lost the lot.

Hmmm..ask ANY racing driver if they would take 1st place with a risk of crashing or stick with a safe 2nd...

They will say they will go for 1st...

Raikkonen is a true racer.
Arc said:
Kimi and Montoya are only quick now due to the McLaren being so much faster than anything else, at the start of the season they werent.

I could very easily turn that around and say that Alonso was only quick in the first half of the season because Renault had a better package than the McLarens.

I think that Raikkonen has been the better driver this season, not Alonso. End of as far as I'm concerned.
Well done Alonso - shame on you UTV. We dont even get to see the post-race press conference and get to here from the new world champion, and why - Coronation Street!!!!!

Happens every time there is a late race. Shocking. Also SKY were able to show the whole feature race of A1 without a break (yes some of their other coverage was poor), and ITV can show 50+minutes of football without a break - so why do they have to interrupt the F1?!?
Dan Whelson has won his first Indy Car race today as well. :D

Shows that a merely average driver can do well in Indycar...

*cough* Blundell.. *cough*
Where was Blundell today? Was meer exctacy not having to listen to that ****, just hope the vast majority of the others follow suit...
Flibster said:
Hmmm..ask ANY racing driver if they would take 1st place with a risk of crashing or stick with a safe 2nd...

They will say they will go for 1st...

Raikkonen is a true racer.

Yeah but a World Champion would have pitted. In a championship that was as close as this years its better to get the points than to fail.

Kimi just pushes to hard, he has amazing out right pace but his race brain is just plain odd. He should talk to Mika some more.
//Mike said:
Where was Blundell today? Was meer exctacy not having to listen to that ****, just hope the vast majority of the others follow suit...

Nothing wrong with him imo better than some clueless young guy blabbing on about crap.

I just emailed ITV because all through the season I think the coverage has been poor but this race was a farce. Champion crowning race and this is what we get.
Just sent the following to ITV-

Just watched the Brazilian GP. Whilst the race was good, yet again ITV try their level best to muck it up.

Way too many breaks - you can show football uninterrupted and SKY have the new A1GP without breaks, so why?? It ruins the coverage. Give it back to the beeb.

Every time there is a late race what do we get; that damn caption scrolling across the screen saying that Coronation Street will be on soon. People can read TV papers or teletext, you should not be interrupting our viewing pleasure with that rubbish. Indeed with all the late races you always cut the show short before the press conference (a much loved part of the race weekend I would think) and driver interviews. This weekend it was more important than ever to stay with the coverage for 30 minutes or so after the race end. Fernando Alonso had just won the Formula 1 Drivers Championship, but what do we get Jim Rosenthal telling us what other sport is on ITV over the coming week. I do not care what football, boxing, other racing is on over the next while; it is a F1 program. Let them show a caption at the end of the titles with that information on it.
speeduk said:
Nothing wrong with him imo better than some clueless young guy blabbing on about crap.

I just emailed ITV because all through the season I think the coverage has been poor but this race was a farce. Champion crowning race and this is what we get.

same here
just had a rant at them... grrr am soo annoyed
pants broadcaster contact us site

Will this do?! Plus I've emailed it to everyone listed in the "send feed back to" box on the ITV F1 website

"Oh no, Corrie due on! Once more, ITV coverage of the Grand Prix leaves a lot to be desired: we miss a lot of the podium presentations and NO press conference. Alll because of Corrie. Is then any reason Corrie couldnt have been shown at 8pm to at least give us GP fans more time to see full coverage of the post race discussion? Of course not: lets not offend or confuse Corrie fans but minimising the screen of the race and running dumb captions at the bottom. Would ITV DARE do this if it was a football match. I think not! Plus football matches would have their post-sport footage shown even if it delayed Corrie. Come on, the race didnt even run over so why couldnt scheduling have been arranged better? Have ITV learnt NOTHING in 50 years of "broadcasting"? Plus, speaking of football, how come a half can be shown in full with one ad break at half time, yet multiple ad breaks are shown throughout a GP race? The football example proves that it is possible for ITV to amanage with ads 45mins apart when they try.

Whens the ITV contract run out? BBC rule for showing sports properly!

Most annoyed GP fan (again),
Helen "
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the most annoying thing is that they would never do this type of this with football

just coz its F1 they think they can get away with it!!
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