2007 Console Poster Award Nominations..

Heres my vote:

Best contributor to the console forums...NokkonWud
Best gamer...Kronologic
Best new poster...Inoshishi
Best thread...pass
Best veteran poster...NokkonWud
Biggest spammer...Mr Men
Most consistent poster...RP2000
Most helpful poster...NokkonWud
Most improved poster...Knives
Most omnipresent member...NokkonWud
Most unbias poster...is there one? :p
Nicest poster...Kreeeee
Most surprising poster...Jihad
Most stubborn poster...Mr Men
Which poster would you most like to meet? Kreeeee
Biggest fanboy (inc. console)... Neocon, 360

Console of the year...Xbox 360
Single Player game of the year... Portal (or orange box if we can't have one game)
Multiplayer game of the year... Halo 3
Best online feature in a game...Replays - Halo 3
Best artistic style in a game...Bioshock
Best use of sound in a game...Bioshock
Developer of the year...Valve
Publisher of the year...EA (shock!)
Overrated game of the year...Bioshock
Underrated game of the year...Assassins Creed
Disappointment of the year...Bioshock
Best hardware/peripheral of the year...Xbox 360 Messenger kit
Worst hardware/peripheral of the year...Guitar Hero 3 controller
Worst business decision of the year...almost anything Sony did, probably the anti-europe stuff
Most anticipated of 2008...GTA 4
Console of the year... xbox360
Single Player game of the year... Bioshock
Multiplayer game of the year... COD4
Best online feature in a game... perks in COD4
Best artistic style in a game... Bioshock
Best use of sound in a game... GoW
Developer of the year... COD4 dev
Publisher of the year... pass
Overrated game of the year... Blue Dragon
Underrated game of the year... pass
Disappointment of the year... Halo 3 - just never kept me gripped like halo 1
Best hardware/peripheral of the year... none
Worst hardware/peripheral of the year... none
Worst business decision of the year... no online coop cod 4
Most anticipated of 2008... ninja gaiden 2
Best contributor to the console forums: Well obviously me! (all my comments have true grounding and thought put into every word i speak :D)
Best veteran poster...DannyJo
Most consistent poster...McDaniel
Most helpful poster...Kreeee
Most stubborn poster...Arsey
Which poster would you most like to meet: MissK :P
Biggest fanboy (inc. console): Kreee

Console of the year... Wii
Single Player game of the year... Mario Galaxy
Multiplayer game of the year... TF2 / Orange Box
Best artistic style in a game... TF2
Best use of sound in a game... Unreal Tournament 3 (althought stupidly loud)
Developer of the year... Sega Racing Studio (Obviously)
Publisher of the year... Valve / Steam (Ie Direct no publisher)
Overrated game of the year... Halo 3
Underrated game of the year... Sega Rally
Disappointment of the year... Bioshock
Worst business decision of the year... HD DVD / BluRay on consoles (when niether has won the HD war)
Most anticipated of 2008... GTA IV / Next racing game from Sega Racing Studio
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Best contributor to the console forums...NokkonWud
Best gamer...Kronologic
Best new poster...Inoshishi
Best thread...pass
Best veteran poster...NokkonWud
Biggest spammer...Mr Men
Most consistent poster...roboffer
Most helpful poster...rp2000
Most improved poster...andybtsn
Most omnipresent member...NokkonWud
Most unbias poster... n/a
Nicest poster...Kreeeee
Most surprising poster...krono
Most stubborn poster...Mr Men
Which poster would you most like to meet? Kreeeee,mcdingle,gord,nokkon - infact I really should come to a LAN
Biggest fanboy (inc. console)... Mr Men - the PES drama

Console of the year...Xbox 360
Single Player game of the year... Portal (or orange box if we can't have one game)
Multiplayer game of the year... TF2
Best online feature in a game...TF2 Nemisis
Best artistic style in a game...Bioshock
Best use of sound in a game...Bioshock
Developer of the year...Valve
Publisher of the year...EA (shock!)
Overrated game of the year...Halo 3
Underrated game of the year...skate
Disappointment of the year...not going to the LAN
Best hardware/peripheral of the year...Guitar Hero guitar
Worst hardware/peripheral of the year...don't know, HD DVD for prolonging the war?
Worst business decision of the year...almost anything Sony did, probably the anti-europe stuff
Most anticipated of 2008...Mafia 2
Console of the year... 360
Single Player game of the year... Mass Effect
Multiplayer game of the year... Call of Duty 4
Best online feature in a game... CoD4 Unlockables
Best artistic style in a game... Bioshock
Best use of sound in a game... Bioshock
Developer of the year...Valve
Publisher of the year...EA
Overrated game of the year...Halo 3
Underrated game of the year...Rogue Galaxy
Disappointment of the year... No Final Fantasy announced for 360! Yet..
Best hardware/peripheral of the year... PSP
Worst hardware/peripheral of the year... Hmm. I really dunno.
Worst business decision of the year... No BC for the PS3
Most anticipated of 2008... Crisis Core (PSP)
Right, I'll leave this for one more night (tonight) and get on this tomorrow. I think 2 weeks is long enough, though I was hoping for most posts. Some people are obviously too afraid to give opinions :p.
I dont really post all that often so not really sure about the users side. One I would nominate is,
Most helpful poster...Abooie

Console of the year...XBOX360.
Single Player game of the year...COD4.
Multiplayer game of the year...Halo3 (never laughed so hard when playing a console game online before, pirate death still makes me smile every time).:D
Best online feature in a game...COD4 leveling rewards by 1mm over 4 player Halo3.
Best artistic style in a game...Eternal Sonata.
Best use of sound in a game...Halo3 the music is just amazing.
Developer of the year...not sure.
Publisher of the year...Valve/Steam (not sure if they are the same or not).
Overrated game of the year...R:FOL
Underrated game of the year...Crackdown.
Disappointment of the year...PS3 sixaxis controller.
Best hardware/peripheral of the year...not sure.
Worst hardware/peripheral of the year...not sure.
Worst business decision of the year...Microsoft, for thinking there wouldn't be that much of a strain on Xbox Live over the Christmas period.
Most anticipated of 2008...Alan Wake.
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Some people are obviously too afraid to give opinions :p.

I'll be honest, I like so many people on this part of the boards that it's hard to choose without feeling i'm offending someone else. The best gamer alone has given me about 2 weeks thought :D

Anyone I disliked that were on my ignore list have been banned anyway.

But I will throw mine in amd hope it doesn't cause any ill feeling :)

Best contributor to the console forums... Nokkon, nice to have a more active moderation presence, may as well be the pink lady.

Best gamer... Hmmm Tough one for the people I've played. Firstly I thought Soulja, no one even comes close on live in COD4 and I mean no-one. Even when we lose he far out strips the winner on the other team for kills. Dominance of a game I've never seen before. Alrik to a slightly lesser extent on Halo and Gears. In the end I went for Gord. Based on every game I've played with him he's been at the top or there abouts, PGR, Forza, Gears, GRAW. I used to watch in awe with his long range weapon use particularly torque bow in Gears.

Best new poster... Inoshishi

Best thread... Show your xbox thread, creative product placement in these threads always make me laugh

Best veteran poster... Far too many to pick just one.

Biggest spammer... Yahooboy Vaboy whatever he's called ;)

Most consistent poster... Kreee consistently miserable :p

Most helpful poster... Pretty much everyone is helpfull here

Most improved poster... Jumpurs ;) He wasn't here, now he's here and thats an improvement

Most omnipresent member... Nokkon

Most unbias poster... Jumpurs

Nicest poster...

Most surprising poster... Mcmanicman, it's surprising what a live ban does to you lol

Most stubborn poster... Krono, can't accept he's the 3rd best gamer in his household.

Which poster would you most like to meet? Again far too many so I will say Andybtsn, purely to get to gandy :D

Biggest fanboy (inc. console)... Kreee


Console of the year... R6V it was the best game I played in 07 so eat me.

Single Player game of the year... R6V as above

Multiplayer game of the year... COD4

Best online feature in a game... COD4

Best artistic style in a game... The darkness

Best use of sound in a game... Bioshock

Developer of the year... Dunno Mastertronic

Publisher of the year... Mastertronic

Overrated game of the year... Biopap

Underrated game of the year... Surfs up

Disappointment of the year... arsesasins crud

Best hardware/peripheral of the year... GH3 controller

Worst hardware/peripheral of the year... MS wireless wheel

Worst business decision of the year... Expensive memory for the 360

Most anticipated of 2008... R6V2

They are a cop out but it's the best I could do.
I'm R6V's no.1 fan! - However after hammering CoD4 for a while, when you go back to Vegas it feels so slow.

Back on topic, good job on working on this thread Nokkon :)
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