2013 bike meet!


Would be nice to know what's what with the deposit. Going to be an epic weekend for us lot though with a 4 hour trip down a stop over the run around & then the 4 hour trip back. :D
Yea, would be good to know, usually when staying at B&B's I put my card details down for the reservation then pay the bill on departure with the total of food/drink added.
Not happy :(

Don't think I can make this now, just been given the provisional move date for our London office.... 3,4,5,6 May, looks like I will be working solid those 4 days!
Jumping the gun a bit there :p

Just phone in sick and tell them you have a serious riding fever!

That's good then as there's a slight chance the weather might have picked up by then, Note I said slight :rolleyes: + :D
Sweet, A tenner is neither here nor there so well worth a punt. Is the Midland Pack (:D) going to book up together or shall we sort it individually ?

How much is a single room there anyways & does it include a polish. :p
I'm up for some 4 star luxury & power shower squirting for 62.50 :D

The bar looks terrible though but as long as they make me Tea I'll be happy. :p
What you do with the power shower in your own time is up to you :p

Let me know the exact amount you need and I'll transfer it over if you want to pay in bulk? might be worth confirming who wants a room reserving.
Yeh just deposits guys, I do have paypal indeed.
Works out at £9.38 per person.

Ill email the guy and let him know, hes off to china for 3 weeks but when i spoke with him on the phone im not sure if he wants the deposits before he goes or when he gets back.
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