***2014 Powerlifting Totals Thread***


How much have you lifted this year for squat / bench / deadlift either for a single or for reps?

I don't want website calculations.
Or just tell me what you've shifted for reps, there is nothing wrong with that.

Either way, make a log
This is my first post in a while, but as of today...

Bench - 90KG
Squat - 155KG (B)
Deadlift - 140KG (B)(S)

Bodyweight is 75KG as of five minutes ago.

(The 'BS' was unintentional). :D

Please provide the correct format and I'll update the table for you.
Concerning the whole table and it's rules, it's a mere copy and paste job of when it was originally setup a few years ago, possibly needs updating and looking at depending on how we want to take this in the future....

Seeing as it IS the Power-lifting thread, I may eventually change the rules so the main table follows the GBPF standard in the future, not sure yet as that may ruin the fun.
Vid of nakid lifts though, obviously.

If it's in the OP it's in the OP, either way get a video up if you are unsure and I'm sure it will be good to get other opinions on it anyway :)
I would however take ice's advice on board and look in to why you WANT to use wraps, I have no experience with these so can't comment on their effectiveness or when to actual use them.

If you want further advice feel free to post up in the form thread as well.
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