I look at things such as the forum section "Images of things you have purchased" I call it "Consumerist Central" and think no wonder debt is rife. I think to customers over the years who said things to the effect that they thought I'd have a flash car myself. I have overheard the comments like, "He's a scruffy sod, why doesn't he buy some new clothes instead of wearing overalls all the time", whilst they themselves are scratching to pay their bill.
I think of the High Streets full of fast food places, catering for parents too idle and disorganised to buy and cook decent food for their family, and the tattoo parlours decorating the women to look like sailors, whilst the bints themselves are in the pubs, smoking and drinking whilst simultaneously moaning about having no money.
Much of the people's debt is totally self inflicted through greed, consumerism and a lack of self control. People are unwilling to save, unwilling to wait, unwilling to make do and mend, but only too willing to get deeply in debt. If they were in debt financing a decent education for their kids I could sympathise, but such is rarely the case.