23 mile skydive!

Do you remember when he was struggling to get the door open ?

Would have been lethal had he been trapped inside with just 10 mins of oxygen left which begs me to ask if the capsule could have made it back to earth in that time

The capsule had plenty of oxygen, it can also land with him in it, it's a bit of a bump though apparently. Also he was only struggling to get the door open because the pressures hadn't quite equalised, once it started to open it opened straight away.
Im going to wallow in the corner, I maybe watch the press conference, seeing as I havnt actually seen it yet! :( my fault

Congrats to him though, cant imagine to begin to think what it would be like seeing that as you are freefalling, instant jizz in your pants moment fo sure
The capsule had plenty of oxygen, it can also land with him in it, it's a bit of a bump though apparently. Also he was only struggling to get the door open because the pressures hadn't quite equalised, once it started to open it opened straight away.

Damn it... totally forgot about directly using the capsule oxygen which is what he was doing whilst climbing :o

Thanks for that
So spinning at 700mph and correcting yourself into a stable position takes no skill? :o

I cannot even begin to imagine trying to do it. But if one has 5 years of experience as him... on this project, it's like riding a bike.

The speed alone he was spinning looked insane let alone the free fall. I dread to think what it must have felt like.
I wonder what the sensation must have felt like. Would the body feel so light due to him traveling so fast? then once he felt the density in the air it then felt heavy? I can't stop imagining that drop off as his stomach would have felt it was left back at the pod platform.
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