** 295 X2 @ £759.99, 290 @ £199.99, 280X @ £149.99, 270 @ £99.99 & 265 @ £79.99, INTERESTED? !! **

Sorry for being off topic...

Ive got a 290X Tri-X at home, no vibrations from mine, are the screws tight? If so and its rattling it is faulty, RMA it. :)

Yeah Gibbo all the screws are as they should be , It's when the fans go to between 40 to 50% the card rattles .

And I have to be honest with you I did add some rubber washers to the screws in the hope it would fix the issue...but it made little difference.

Ah if its just at a certain percentage that is no doubt the actual fan itself, with how quiet these cards are and cool just set a fixed fan speed of 35% and as long as it does not go over 85c, that is fine, or set 55% as that is still not so loud and will no doubt keep it sub 70c. :)

That sounds fair enough to me , Thank you sir :)

See here http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=26473335&postcount=51

Dear All,

We have a very low rate of faults with our graphics boards. That an issue showed up and someone was able to fix it and subsequently did a video shows a real enthusiasm for our products. However this issue only occurred on a very small number of early production boards and has been addressed. The rattle is caused by a resonance in the shroud, only at certain fan speeds, and it vibrating against the fins of the cooler. The clearance has been adjusted and this no longer happens.

We would normally recommend users with any issue to take advantage of our warranty return and repair service. However, the fix in the youtube video will not invalidate the warranty because it only involves removing the fan from the cooler - not the cooler from the board, therefore not breaking the critical thermal bond between the cooler and the gpu or other components.

Best Regards,
SAPPHIRE Technology
If I could get there I'd definitely pick up a 295 X2 at that price, sadly I just don't have the time on that particular weekend to make the 6 hour drive there and back.

Thanks for that, glad to see Sapphire addressed it, doing as I said should fix the resonance with fixed fan speeds or the customer can just RMA it. :)
Hmm, change 2 titan blacks for 2x 295x's.... thats disgustingly tempting especially if picking up one at that price :(
bit of a Bummer for long term customers, who just live to far away.

Public transport or car?

If I still lived in Portsmouth, I'd be setting off at 5am to be here for 7:30am and then queuing outside the door for the chance to grab one of those 295 X2 for a £300 saving.

Having driven to Portsmouth and back a lot, I could do it in the Mustang for £80, so still worth it! :)
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