MisterT said:E6420 stable up to 3.75 gets a tad flaky there after, just runs s.pi at 3.84:
320W peltier cooled
ran stable at 3.7 with just water but very unstable anything behond that
I would change your sig then
MisterT said:E6420 stable up to 3.75 gets a tad flaky there after, just runs s.pi at 3.84:
320W peltier cooled
ran stable at 3.7 with just water but very unstable anything behond that
stickroad said:Ok not to ruin your thread Easy but i could quite easily say i have overclocked my E6320 to 4.0GHZ. Screenshots would be nice, thank you.
pegasus1 said:i think it should be those who have OCed by at least 1.5ghz, then us [email protected] could get a look in
Real men use massive casesWoZZeR said:My E6300 wouldn't clock at all in my Shuttle, not even a Mhz without upping the VCore, rapidly going off Shuttles (3 SD37P2's = 3 RMA's).
pegasus1 said:Real men use massive cases
Azza said:Real men use no case like me.