300gb Maxtor IDE Drives *shakes fist*

wush said:
Cue someone saying "I have a Maxtor and it's fine, so they must all be" ;)

Some people have varying luck with brands, i have had great luck with hitachi's, maxtors and a pair of raided wd's i got a long time ago, but my recent purchase of wd drives have been poor, 2 400gb drives that died just after i finnished backing the data on them up. :eek:

The only case you should by maxtor is server line stuff, their high speed server drives are some of the best scsi drives out there.
There is an exception to every rule and I must be it. I've got a few maxtors (both ide and sata) in a couple of machines here over several years and have never had any problems with them. The first time I got a seagate drive (sata) it started to play up and I ended up losing all the data it. Bad luck with seagate, good luck with maxtor perhaps?
I have always bought maxtors and never had any issues until they brought out the maxline III models. I bought 4 x 300gb drives, all the same manufacture date and within 1 yr they had all been rma'd. My maxline II drives are still going strong. Its a shame the sata drives don't have the same quality as the scsi drives I have bought. I've since purchased WD RE2 drives for sata, but still stuck with Maxtor for scsi.
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