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3090 FE thermals and fan noise

14 Dec 2020
Yep it's totally up to you if you want to risk the warranty by opening it up. I did it as nVidia wouldn't accept there was anything wrong with my card. They just kept saying it's normal. I've had a lot of bad customer service this year from numerous companies because well, everyone's miserable and we're living through a **** time and I'm pretty exhausted by it so in the end I thought the card being noisy is really pretty low down on the list of things that need to be fixed in the world.

I did the pad mod because my card was red hot and 2000rpm+ in gaming let alone rendering (I don't mine) making me not want to use my computer and I'm glad I did because it runs like a dream now. But like you guys have pointed out - it's totally at your risk if you want to do it. If it breaks within 3 years then I'll deal with it then.
14 Dec 2020
Why do you keep peddling this?
Of course they can still try and claim on there warranty. ITs up to the vendor to prove not only that the card was modified, but that the modification led to the failure.
You claimed in another thread to have various posts of people having RMA's rejected and faulty cards sent back, yet never provided any links to these posts.

Yes its a risk opening the cards. But just because you changed the pads does not instantly 100% guarantee your claim will be rejected. You still have rights as a consumer. You can still fight those, in small claims court if you have to.

Now if you dont want to take that risk, thats totally fine. No need to scare-monger like you have been.

Further.... if selling the card, the warranty does not transfer anyway. You can give the person you sell to your invoice, and they can try and claim with that. But that is far more likely to lead to a rejected claim than changing the pads and not mentioning it is.
I think only EVGA explicitly state the warranty transfers to a third party.

Was just about to write that Nvidia clearly states the warranty is non-transferable so modding it doesn't matter in that regard.


Yeah totally - I get the feeling a lot of this stuff is at companies discretion anyway. MSI were super nice when I bought a secondhand laptop with a missing key - they sent me a replacement key for nothing!

I feel like if I was honest with them and said what I did they might help me out and if they don't well I knew the risks. Anyway this is all hypothetical - hopefully I don't have to use the warranty. I mean I feel like the card is now running better than it was out of the box with much better temps so as someone mentioned - hopefully that will stop it potentially failing just outside of warranty.

If and when I do sell I'd state I modded the card but more out of politeness because as mentioned the warranty doesn't transfer anyway.
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