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30xx Series Founders Edition

Attewmpting to buy my 2nd FE

Different account, accessed from a different device on a different IP.

3 different payment cards to 3 different addresses. all failed for one reason or another. lol

Initially it was card does not match delivery address. Then it was just "an error"

I don't see how a different device, IP, payment card and address could be considered a duplicate transaction. Were both the payment and delivery addresses different from the first order?
You make zero sense as per usual sarge! :cry:

Check the salty boy @Purgatory :cool:

Yes he's something else, he made me laugh on the 3090 owners thread, according to him because I have dual 3090s I must be a reviewer :rolleyes::cry:.. Would scare him if he knew how many 3090s I purchased over the year for work, workmates and family. He will soon call me a serial miner even though I have never mined. He still doesn't understand gamers that mine on their systems are not the problem but the large scale mining firms are and he should be happy for gamers to make back some of their money on these silly priced cards this gen and last gen.

Salty is right mate, best to just ignore him, he's still just spamming the forums with rubbish and shocked he's still not been banned for the obvious spam and just typing questions that he knows the answers to and meaningless replies just to increase his post counts, just a heads up for him no one will be buying or selling to him in the MM or he's just trying to get access to the mm or the voucher code deals for long time members.. I don't know what his game is but there is a game there clearly.

The funny post he said I was a reviewer in...:rolleyes::cry: (if he would have read the whole thread and others I posted on regarding building this system and headaches I went threw to get all the bits for that system due to high power psu shortages, a motherboard that was in shortage and high demand that I had to order from USA as none in UK or EU, etc etc, he would realise reality but he lives in his own bubble) :-

Hmm, How did that happen..

Telegram alert went live at 11.28am, at the time I was taking the washing out of the machine then casually went for a slash (didn't hear my phone with the ping alert), rolled back up to my PC at 11.35am, saw the link, clicked it....and bagged a 3080! and that was despite having to fire up my banking app on the phone, mid purchase to verify it!

So I don't understand how people trying to buy a 3080, with nearly a 10min head start on me, didn't get one ???

Yes, I did wash my hands before returning to my keyboard :p
The same. I logged in to my account and used saved card. They took the money from my account and send me the confirmation in less than an minute but nothing else yet. I hope I'm not being happy early.

I ordered the 3070 Ti yesterday morning about 9.12 AM and its due to be delivered today in about an hour.

They picked, packed and sent it late in the afternoon, near 5 PM.
Hmm, How did that happen..

Telegram alert went live at 11.28am, at the time I was taking the washing out of the machine then casually went for a slash (didn't hear my phone with the ping alert), rolled back up to my PC at 11.35am, saw the link, clicked it....and bagged a 3080! and that was despite having to fire up my banking app on the phone, mid purchase to verify it!

So I don't understand how people trying to buy a 3080, with nearly a 10min head start on me, didn't get one ???

Yes, I did wash my hands before returning to my keyboard :p
Probably because they release them in batches and you happend to get lucky that another batch hit at the time you arrived back at the PC. I doubt they just sat in stock for the whole 10 minutes while you were AFK.
yeah thats true heard others in the past one not getting anything even though clicked the alert right away and another getting one trying few minutes later,

Also they must have basket protection because I had 3080 must have been in basket for 10mins the captcha got stuck I didnt want to refresh but just did it and went through, but not getting excited till its picked and shipped
Probably because they release them in batches and you happend to get lucky that another batch hit at the time you arrived back at the PC. I doubt they just sat in stock for the whole 10 minutes while you were AFK.

Or people getting declined and the cards go back up for sale, seen that happen a lot too, people complain declined and if you refresh the page later it shows available again.
Hmm, How did that happen..

Telegram alert went live at 11.28am, at the time I was taking the washing out of the machine then casually went for a slash (didn't hear my phone with the ping alert), rolled back up to my PC at 11.35am, saw the link, clicked it....and bagged a 3080! and that was despite having to fire up my banking app on the phone, mid purchase to verify it!

So I don't understand how people trying to buy a 3080, with nearly a 10min head start on me, didn't get one ???

Yes, I did wash my hands before returning to my keyboard :p
i have, what i think is, a confirmation email at 11.41 for a 3060ti. I can't find the order on my account with the shop but I haven't had a rejection notification yet. if you look at your orders section can you see it? i'm going to assume we got it from the same shop as the notifications i've got are only to that shop for UK FEs.
Also they must have basket protection because I had 3080 must have been in basket for 10mins the captcha got stuck I didnt want to refresh but just did it and went through, but not getting excited till its picked and shipped

i think they do, because sometimes you click "add to basket" and nothing gets added. Then a minute later it will add one. That is probably (like you said), because someones try has got declined and frees up that unit of stock.
... He still doesn't understand gamers that mine on their systems are not the problem but the large scale mining firms are...

Loads of people aren't getting that point.

Supply improved dramatically as soon as China took action against the big mining firms. It can't be that much of a coincidence that cards are now appearing in retail.

I don't have any issue with people using their own card to mine. Jeez, I just got a 3060ti fe on today's drop, and mainly play Civ4 at the moment. I am taking a card from.people who want to play Cyberpunk!
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