Price hikes generally only work during a crypto boom as Nvidia found out with the poor sales of Turing so if ETH mining ceases to be a thing then not only won't there be the extra demand but also people just won't be willing to overpay if cards don't generate money.
This problem is nothing to do with just mining, the problem is shortages. Caused by COVID lockdowns, people also scalping and hoarding, you think COVID will go away next year and scalpers will not be back to their old games again too hoarding goods in demand ? Also who says there will not be another mining craze again, next year is about the right time for a new one as they seem to start up again right before each new gen cards come out now.
We need more chip foundries to deal with the shortages and yes I know they are building new ones as we speak but these will not come online next year or the year after. Also all these new chip foundries will need chips for their equipment in the middle of a chip shortage, so I doubt many will be even up and running till 2025, they can't build a chip foundry in a year or two and be able for them to produce usable chips.. They take on average 3 to 5 years to build and able to make chips. You see the problem ?
Also TSMC ... and what China is playing at may soon be offline in Taiwan, have you seen the posturing in recent days from China and the rest of the world at China ? I really hope not but the world is a mess right now and everything we think is not ever going to happen is happening in these times we are in... Last thing we need in this world right now is a war, we have enough on our plates with COVID making a worldwide mess and our government that has become the joke of the world as you have seen too due to Brexit and how they are handling COVID.. Plague Island they are calling us in the rest of the world.
Anyways more important things to worry about for now than GPUS, but things are not going back to normal in the next 2 years. This mess is going to take more time and more chip foundries able to make chips and foundries that will be worldwide not just in a few countries that are targeted by China. The West has stuck all its eggs in baskets that they can't control and this was done because it was cheaper to make these things in these countries that are well unstable. You want cheap electronics and goods well that's why, when these new foundries open up in the West again, don't expect cheap chips...
A good read:-
Why We Can’t Build Our Way Out of the Semiconductor Shortage
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