Indeed. But looking at the build quality, I'm not expecting this thing to sag. Googling around suggests there's zero sag on these things, so I'll be able to get rid of the anti-sag bracket I have in, which I like the idea of. While it's nice with its RGB, I think it's a bit much RGB. I have 9 RGB fans and 2 RGB strips top and bottom. I couldn't be bothered unplugging the anti-sag bracket after I'd fitted it. Now I might do that.
Bit off topic, but I have an NVME drive to fit as well in the slot behind the graphics card. That'll be my Windows 11 drive, I always like to keep my current build intact on a separate SSD, so I'll keep Windows 10 on the SATA SSD as that's still fast enough as is. My question is, if I fit that and just want to leave it dormant, can I do that until I can be arsed with Windows 11? Because I can't at the moment but figured if replacing graphics card, I may as well bung the SSD in there as well and try Windows 11 in a month or two. Anyone know if I can do this with zero issues?