It only takes 1-2 ms to transition to higher clock speeds in Ryzen Balanced, this is part of a feature exclusive to Ryzen 3000 called fast clock switching. This will result in better responsiveness plus less stuttering in games and better performance in some cases (up to 6% according to AMD), although these are probably edge cases.Thanks - left it idling for 10 mins with only hwinfo64 running and voltsgez don't visibly drop below 1.43, and even then it was for about a second or so. If they're going lower, it doesn't register visibly, whereas windows balanced drops to 0.9 almost as soon as things settle down.
It looks like it's perfectly safe to use Ryzen balanced on this board, but I really can't see what it brings to the table over Windows balanced...
Edit - Interesting that average cpu power seems lower across the board with Windows balanced.
Windows Balanced takes 15 ms to transition to higher clock speeds and ignores many requests to do so which is why you see lower power numbers. I think the problem here is Windows with its many background processes doing lots of little tasks in the background, I've noticed Linux doesn't do this and gets out of the way.