So I finally took the plunge into 3D printing. The purchase was a bit out of the blue, I was just browsing eBay as I usually do and noticed a couple of companys had auctions up for a brand new ender 3 pro. First one someone out bid me at the last second by £2 and it went for £124! The next one ended on £142, which I won, I also used a £10 nectar voucher so paid just £132 for a brand new ender 3 pro!
Just gotta break the news to my partner :S
I have a couple of questions if I may.
Does the ender 3 come with any filaments?
What is the best type of filament to use with this machine?
Is there much difference between a stepper motor and the direct drive upgrade?
I've seen so many upgrades for this machine, I can't wait to get started!
Welcome to world of tomorrow, lol.
You should check out the 3d printing thread over in the printers subforum.
So as for your questions, to my knowledge the Ender doesn't come with enough filament to do anything with, might have a few meters. I know the cr-10 comes with a small spool.
Filament, well I wouldn't buy ABS, or the high temp stuff. But PLA, PETg should be fine. Link below for some PLA
So not sure what you mean by stepper motor and the direct drive upgrade. They are different things. I assume the stepper motor upgrade is for dual Z steppers, on a printer this size it isn't essential but something to look at later maybe.
The direct drive refers to the extruder, currently it's a Bowden setup, which mean the filament is pushed through a PTFE tube to the hot end. A direct drive is just that, it puts the extruder directly above the hot end, again not essential but something to look at later.
Maybe just get to know the process of printing first and see if you need any upgrades.
Feel free to post in the other thread if you need anything.