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4080 & 4090 Coil Whine Thread

I can chip in on this now. 4090 ASUS TUF.
Major coil whine is 3DMark. Just awful.
Not great in Menu's in other games. Just tried FIFA now, locked to 60 fps, and still there but not as loud. Annoying to say the least. Should be better for £1500!

That's unfortunate. My 4090 Tuf I picked up yesterday (for the same price) is amongst the quietest 4090s I've had. Try running it in for a day, oddly Asus coil whine has a good chance to reduce/dissappear than the other makes.
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Well it’s going back. I can hear the coil whine louder than the fans in any game I try. Red dead is locked to 120fps and it is still really noisy and more annoyingly changes pick if you switch the camera view (such as looking back). Total War it is there just all the time.

It’s an amazing card, and so worth it from a 2080ti… but I would rather have a louder fan than coil whine at this volume.

Yeah it sounds like yours is a lot worse than mine. Mine is amongst the best I've had. I can only hear it if I mute the audio in some workloads and even then its because my PC apart from that is totally silent.

Crazy there can still be such variations between cards even from the same retailer at the same time period. I'd still try running furmark or some such for a good few hours see if it changes / goes.
One thousand three hundred and fifty pounds is NOT a good price for a GPU. It's an insane price, regardless of performance. if you had that amount of cash, in notes, in your hand, you'd be wary of spending it on a GPU. Digital money has made people lose contact with the value of cash imo. Perhaps that's what they want, people to not think about money value.

You could say that about the top end of any market. Do you really need a £1500 phone vs a £500 one? Or cars, or hifi, or tvs etc.
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