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4080 vs 7900XT stability

16 Aug 2017
Plug & Pray.. Was the best :cry:. I miss the days of setting DMA and IRQs and all the fun of setting up autoexec.bat and all the config files to enable extended memory etc etc.. People don't realise how easy they have it now.
I wouldn't say "I miss" these days, but it was fun in a way. These days, I am too old and too busy to play with my toys in that much depth. :p
19 Oct 2002
The Faithful City
All these black screen issues, has anyone tried fixing it by disabling MPO in Windows? I believe this also caused issues with nVidia cards and they issued advice on how to disable it in Windows (which works regardless of GPU).

This fix has worked for myself with both Nvidia and AMD cards and I've posted the same fix in a recent thread for a chap who was experiencing the same issues reported here with a 6900XT and he reported it has fixed his issue too.

It's a simple registry change to disable a feature which has dubious utility; there's not a lot to lose really.

I'm surprised it is not as well known as it should be after seeing the number of posts mentioning the issue (both Nvidia and AMD users) in this forum.

Edit - link to recent thread https://forums.overclockers.co.uk/threads/msi-6900xt-black-screen-crash.18965787/
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18 Oct 2002
AMD and NV have both had some poor recent releases. 7900xtx had issues with coolers and drivers were not mature on release. NV 30 series had transient stability issues and NV 40 series had a minor issue with power connectors.

Mature drivers was basically an impossibility with rdna 3 as the chiplet setup is still very much in its infancy as they get to grips with it themselves. Solid release drivers has never been amd's forte, but in this instance as they're doing something that's a first for the gpu industry as a whole it was kind of expected.
29 Jun 2016
Mature drivers was basically an impossibility with rdna 3 as the chiplet setup is still very much in its infancy as they get to grips with it themselves. Solid release drivers has never been amd's forte, but in this instance as they're doing something that's a first for the gpu industry as a whole it was kind of expected.
I understand acutely why this is done, but RDNA3 drivers were reported to be particularly poor. I doubt it will take them long to resolve. I've released (brand new) consumer products that aren't quite mature, albeit with controlled volumes and markets, but I wouldn't have released with those drivers TBH.

What is interesting for me is whether performance improves with newer drivers. There were some really odd performance metrics at release that fell way short of the claimed performance uplift. Would be nice to see this card becoming more competetive with the 4090 in raster insteda of the 4080.
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29 Jun 2016
Plug & Pray.. Was the best :cry:. I miss the days of setting DMA and IRQs and all the fun of setting up autoexec.bat and all the config files to enable extended memory etc etc.. People don't realise how easy they have it now.
Oh man. I had a modem that would take at least an hour every reinstall of windows 95. And you'd need to resinstall every 6 months or so because I'd break the whole system....

Before that gaming on DOS, and the absolutely magic boot disks my old man would write to free up some resources to play one of the more demanding games at the time. Or having to fix the master boot record when it got corrupted. Ugh, so much time wasted!
1 Oct 2020
miss the days of setting DMA and IRQs and all the fun of setting up autoexec.bat and all the config files to enable extended memory etc etc.. People don't realise how easy they have it now.
I used to love that - when I was very young and found out I was able to edit the files to make programs run ON STARTUP... blew my little mind.

Remember having to go into the files to set EMS memory to play specific games, and then return it (to XMS?) after to keep everything else functioning. I swear back then my favourite games were autoexec.bat and config.sys...



26 Jul 2006
Nothing. I own a 4090... ;) Seriously though, probably motion blur off or other pointless effects.
You've posted in wrong thread.

3 Feb 2017
I used to love that - when I was very young and found out I was able to edit the files to make programs run ON STARTUP... blew my little mind.

Remember having to go into the files to set EMS memory to play specific games, and then return it (to XMS?) after to keep everything else functioning. I swear back then my favourite games were autoexec.bat and config.sys...
They should rename this thread old gits go down memory lane. Config.sys and autoexec.bat kept me in a job for years. Mostly because the ibm compatibility was dubious at best back then. Aahhh the memories.
4 Feb 2006
Rubbish both have had there problems in the past. My 7900xtx nitro plus has been rock solid. Make of that what you will.

The Sapphire Nitro cards have always been the most stable and high quality. My old 5700XT Nitro+ was rock solid even during the time when the 5700XT gpu's from other manufacturers had complaints of black screens and crashes . Never had a problem with it.
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