49-year-old mother of two who was stabbed twice by Islamist Terrorist in France.

I'm not saying I support or condone the reasoning but France has a long history of clashing with islam. More recently you have Charlie Hebdo, bans on face coverings/birkinis, going back you have France ruling islamic countries in North Africa and the Middle East (hence they have significant diasporas). They're usually involved in all the foreign policy/military action that the US/UK caries out in islamic regions too.

Then don't be a mouth piece for them by saying stupid things like that. They were against the intervention in Iraq btw, an event that many muslims and apologists like to blame for terrorism.

What was the reason 19 civilians were murdered by these people in Niger the other day?

Places like India, Indonesia, the Philippines all have problems with Islamic terrorism. Its the ideology that's the problem, not our response to it and definitely not cartoons.
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Then don't be a mouth piece for them by saying stupid things like that. They were against the intervention in Iraq btw, an event that many muslims and apologists like to blame for terrorism.

What was the reason 19 civilians were murder by these people in Niger the other day?

Places like India, Indonesia, the Philippines all have problems with Islamic terrorism. Its the ideology that's the problem, not our response to it and definitely not cartoons.

And how far back do they want to go to find blame. Go back far enough and the Islamic world started it all off by invading Spain.

Iraq was almost 20 years ago. That's like British people murdering Germans in the 60s because of WW2 (and that was a FAR worse situation).
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And how far back do they want to go to find blame. Go back far enough and the Islamic world started it all off by invading Spain.

Iraq was almost 20 years ago. That's like British people murdering Germans in the 60s because of WW2 (and that was a FAR worse situation).

Wait it's like your saying its not okay to go around murdering random people because they have a different set of beliefs to you?
Then don't be a mouth piece for them by saying stupid things like that. They were against the intervention in Iraq btw, an event that many muslims and apologists like to blame for terrorism.

I was replying to a poster who mentioned western foreign policy and also questioned why the french would be a target.

What was the reason 19 civilians were murdered by these people in Niger the other day?

If by 'these people' you mean extremist groups well, most likely because, according to the foreign office:

"There is also a threat of retaliatory attacks due to Niger’s participation in the French-led intervention in Mali and due to its involvement in the regional fight to counter violent extremist groups."

Places like India, Indonesia, the Philippines all have problems with Islamic terrorism. Its the ideology that's the problem, not our response to it and definitely not cartoons.

Everyone's entitled to their own opinion :)
Religion = worshiping make believe 'gods' as a way of controlling people. It has no place in modern society.

Oh I completely agree. He isn't talking about banning all religions though, he is talking about banning one religion. I've no time for religious extremists of any religion, I've no time for religion personally at all. However I would never support banning any religion. Being able to believe in the sky fairy of your choice should be everyone's right. I would support banning all religious schools and the practising of religion in schools. Children should be taught about the various religions but schools should not play a part in the indoctrination of children. Lets the parents do that.
We should be enormously grateful that peace has come to Northern Ireland, that the Catholics and Protestants get along so well and that nobody tries to kill a female Police Officer and her three year old child.
Matthew 7:3 said:
Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
Oh I completely agree. He isn't talking about banning all religions though, he is talking about banning one religion. I've no time for religious extremists of any religion, I've no time for religion personally at all. However I would never support banning any religion. Being able to believe in the sky fairy of your choice should be everyone's right. I would support banning all religious schools and the practising of religion in schools. Children should be taught about the various religions but schools should not play a part in the indoctrination of children. Lets the parents do that.
Pretty much agree with that.
There's clearly a flaw in us (as a species) that allows for this kind of madness. I can't even imagine how someone could kill a random person for Islam, but it is what it is. We're a species that will kill someone innocent for God, for their tribe, their clan, and even because of their football team

Imams? Its the book itself

Basically if you don't convert you should be killed, imprisoned etc.

France's crime? Allowing sanctuary to so many terrorists.

Yet you ignore other verses that say the opposite. Why cherry pick? It's almost like you have an agenda or something....

There's clearly a flaw in us (as a species) that allows for this kind of madness. I can't even imagine how someone could kill a random person for Islam, but it is what it is. We're a species that will kill someone innocent for God, for their tribe, their clan, and even because of their football team

Yet you ignore other verses that say the opposite. Why cherry pick? It's almost like you have an agenda or something....
So which interpretation is "correct" then? Which books are doctrine and which aren't?

Clearly you've got the radical imams on one hand referring to one set of verses/books and interpreting them in a way which allows them to send young blokes to blow themselves up or stab young mothers on the street.

The trouble is, ordinary muslims themselves can potentially reach the same conclusion, by picking and choosing which verses/books/supplements to interpret and adhere to.

Sure you can argue that there are other (more peaceful) interpretations, but there's no ignoring the less peaceful interpretations, and their reach. The whole wahabi/Saudi teaching and sponsorship of terrorism is a thing. They call themselves devout muslims. The pray, they read the books and the verses. They interpret them in a way that allows them to sponsor IS and other terrorist organisations.

"Not true muslims?"
So which interpretation is "correct" then? Which books are doctrine and which aren't?

Clearly you've got the radical imams on one hand referring to one set of verses/books and interpreting them in a way which allows them to send young blokes to blow themselves up or stab young mothers on the street.

The trouble is, ordinary muslims themselves can potentially reach the same conclusion, by picking and choosing which verses/books/supplements to interpret and adhere to.

Sure you can argue that there are other (more peaceful) interpretations, but there's no ignoring the less peaceful interpretations, and their reach. The whole wahabi/Saudi teaching and sponsorship of terrorism is a thing. They call themselves devout muslims. The pray, they read the books and the verses. They interpret them in a way that allows them to sponsor IS and other terrorist organisations.

"Not true muslims?"

The qoran was written over many decades. It's highly contradictory and where there is contradiction apparently you are supposed to take the later to be correct rather than earlier because the prophet was closer to God as time passed and must have misinterpreted earlier statements.

You can see how in the book it starts nicely and as he grows in power and followers he becomes more corrupt changing the rules to suit himself and then with more power and greed he then becomes twisted and barbaric through years of being a warlord after accumulating power.

He waged many wars spreading the word of Islam and forcing conversions on others. So the book gets more and more inclined to his barbaric mind the deeper it goes and therefore if you take his later words to be correct when there are contradiction then it's usually the bad stuff that is taken as the word of God over the earlier nicer stuff.

It's why they say it's a religion of peace. Yet the prophet himself murdered innocents, forced marriage on women and raped women and children. They say it themselves he consummated the marriage of a 6 year old at 9 years old.

You cannot reason with anyone who follows it as it should be followed. It's a pretty strict highly controlling religion and if it were invented today it would be called a cult and it's ruler locked up.

There can be bad people from any religion but that doesn't mean that all religions are bad. It also doesn't mean that all religions are good. There are good belief systems and bad ones.

Problem is once you have been brainwashed it's so engrained into you and so strict and regimented it's pretty hard to see the wood for the tree's.
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