49-year-old mother of two who was stabbed twice by Islamist Terrorist in France.

I don't envy your mental process.

One murder with a dead murderer = cause for the region to live in fear.

Do you reckon Londoners can't sleep for the terror that a 14 year old got stabbed to death on Friday and no one has even been identified as the murderer.

I'll bet you have no idea that even happened because you're stuck with tunnel vision and a microscope. Not alone of course but none the better for that.

The london stabbings is gang related. The locals should shop the know gang members and drug dealers.
The French one was an islamist terrorist nutter. Who will kill anyone.

When I travel to friends houses in Birmingham, I take a 4 mile detour from the religious lot(alum rock).
And I'm in a wheel chair.
There you go.:)

Question wasn't aimed at me, but I'd suggest the main reason is that the majority of killings are just acts of violence for a multitude of reasons (drug related, robbery, mental illness etc. so they don't fit any specific demographic).

Whereas, the incident in Paris and many others alike are fundamentally religious killings, so there is clearly an endemic problem with the hyper extreme side of the Islamic faith (note, I'm not pointing fingers at moderate well meaning law abiding people here).
What has white or being British got to do with it?

A lot of the terrorists in the uk are British apparently.

I ask because you lump all Muslims together and assume they must act as one. Protesting policy at a school is relevant to these people you highlight, whereas something further afield and not connected to them is not. I ask as you seem to be obsessed with white Britain. White British people don't act as one, so it must be more complicated than you assume? No?

For what it's worth I have no time for Islam, or Christianity for that matter. Stupid, backwards middle Eastern superstitions that have no place in the modern world. But that's just my opinion
There you go.:)

Ah you mentioned a different poster.

The difference being how there is an organised amd concerted effort to kill and terrorise citizens around the world unless they convert to Islam.

But I agree on the point that we have a lot of racialised murders and rapes taking place around the country.

For example the Bradford grooming gangs, largely targeting white girls, very few protests about this.

Yet on the other hand we have someone stop searched by the police and we have widespread condemnation, protests and demonstrations about it.
I ask because you lump all Muslims together and assume they must act as one. Protesting policy at a school is relevant to these people you highlight, whereas something further afield and not connected to them is not. I ask as you seem to be obsessed with white Britain. White British people don't act as one, so it must be more complicated than you assume? No?

For what it's worth I have no time for Islam, or Christianity for that matter. Stupid, backwards middle Eastern superstitions that have no place in the modern world. But that's just my opinion

We aren't assuming anything.

By choosing to follow Islam they are effectively choosing to submit to God, which means they are choosing to follow the koran. Therefore they have a shared ideology which dictates and to a large extent controls their lives.

I dont know many other people who must pray 5 times a day, fast for 30 days etc.

So we aren't lumping together, they choose to be together?
Ah you mentioned a different poster.

The difference being how there is an organised amd concerted effort to kill and terrorise citizens around the world unless they convert to Islam.

But I agree on the point that we have a lot of racialised murders and rapes taking place around the country.

For example the Bradford grooming gangs, largely targeting white girls, very few protests about this.

Yet on the other hand we have someone stop searched by the police and we have widespread condemnation, protests and demonstrations about it.

If you can see it so clearly try spelling out how you'd protest against law breaking muslims with no organisation responsible for them and who tend to volunteer for suicide by cop. You think harassing and protesting the muslims who aren't breaking the law makes sense?

It's a walk in the park to rage against the machine of a national police force. It's a proper organisation from the constables to the chief constables.
If you can see it so clearly try spelling out how you'd protest against law breaking muslims with no organisation responsible for them and who tend to volunteer for suicide by cop. You think harassing and protesting the muslims who aren't breaking the law makes sense?

It's a walk in the park to rage against the machine of a national police force. It's a proper organisation from the constables to the chief constables.

In the same way that blm can protest that black lives matter we need to be able to protest that white lives matter surely?

People are being murdered on our streets or gang raped by grooming gangs in racially motivated attacks.

As some white people joined, supported and aided blm I.e taking a knee at football games, helped with peaceful protests etc

Shouldn't we be afforded the same to support the position that white people are not simply a sitting duck target for these attacks? And that despite not being Muslims for example that our lives carry meaning too?
I blame religion. It should be made illegal, especially in any countries where there have been deaths where people have shouted things on the lines of "God is Great" (whatever god)
At this point I wonder why we haven't simply started blaming men for such crimes as they are mostly being carried out by other men.

Seems more like that all these types of issues seem limited to a single gender than they do to a single religion or race.
If you can see it so clearly try spelling out how you'd protest against law breaking muslims with no organisation responsible for them and who tend to volunteer for suicide by cop. You think harassing and protesting the muslims who aren't breaking the law makes sense?

It's a walk in the park to rage against the machine of a national police force. It's a proper organisation from the constables to the chief constables.
In the same way that blm can protest that black lives matter we need to be able to protest that white lives matter surely?

People are being murdered on our streets or gang raped by grooming gangs in racially motivated attacks.

As some white people joined, supported and aided blm I.e taking a knee at football games, helped with peaceful protests etc

Shouldn't we be afforded the same to support the position that white people are not simply a sitting duck target for these attacks? And that despite not being Muslims for example that our lives carry meaning too?

What are you on about.

As dumb as importing "BLM" to the UK is, they're protesting to embarrass organisations who have power to do ????? about... black drama... in America... except they're doing the protesting in the UK.

Meanwhile no one is in charge of extremist muslims and dam near every organisation (including muslim ones) in these western countries condemns their behaviour so who are you protesting to?

It's a scattering of weirdos (by modern religious standards) who don't do big groups, don't do public recognition and answer to no one but the voices in their head.

They live and die in the hope of causing a religious war and the sick joke is that if you fall for the lazy route of demonising muslims who are minding their own business then you're teaming up with the muslim extremists.
I'm not saying I support or condone the reasoning but France has a long history of clashing with islam. More recently you have Charlie Hebdo, bans on face coverings/birkinis, going back you have France ruling islamic countries in North Africa and the Middle East (hence they have significant diasporas). They're usually involved in all the foreign policy/military action that the US/UK caries out in islamic regions too.

France, or French soldiers, didn’t just clash with Muslims, one of my great-uncles did part of his National Service in the mid sixties, I think it was.
He was stationed in the République Centre Africaine, or Central African Republic, and said that his squad would drive through Bangui, the capital, and if the crowds came too close to the kerb, the soldiers would open their doors, and smash the civilians in the face, apparently just for kicks.
As I understand it, the majority of the population of C.A.R. were, and still are, Catholic.
Yes the so called moderates



It seems they are happy to protest any teachings that they call unislamic but when people are being killed or stabbed in the streets I don't see this amount of action.

Strange isn't it.

And they threaten teachers with no repercussions. All because someone displayed a drawing of a fantasy character.

People can be expelled from other religions by their leaders if they are seen as a bit extreme. No so with Islam. It's a worldwide cult that encourages violence against non-believers and critics. They have to understand that for westeners, Islam is not much different than Flat Earthers.
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