49-year-old mother of two who was stabbed twice by Islamist Terrorist in France.

I blame religion. It should be made illegal, especially in any countries where there have been deaths where people have shouted things on the lines of "God is Great" (whatever god)

How do you ban an idea exactly?

What we should do is ban ALL faith schools, we have Tony Blair to thank for those.
I blame religion. It should be made illegal, especially in any countries where there have been deaths where people have shouted things on the lines of "God is Great" (whatever god)

Religious extremism is the problem.
All of it is ugly IMO.

The good old Catholic Church for example.
That won't save you from them. Infact it makes you a target

That reminds me of when I was a truck driver, and found myself in Belfast in 1974.
I had need of an auto-electrician, and found one in Yellow Pages or somewhere, and asked a local to point me in the direction of their address.
He said, “Go to the third traffic light, turn right, oh wait, that’s a Catholic area.”
I said, “So what? If anyone asks, I’ll say that I’m a Buddhist.”
He said, “They wouldn’t care if you said Hindu or Jewish, with that Brit accent, the only thing you’ve got going for you is that your hair is too long for you to be a soldier!”
When one of the thousands of unidentified dinghy arrivals goes on a murderfest we might get something done about that. Strange how the media barely mention the fact that they’ve been arriving non-stop for months. Someone will have to take one for the team because our leaders are cowards afraid of media and Twitter buzzwords.

Good luck, everyone!
Saying to ban religion is much like how the SJW's and woke mob are trying to change your way of thinking and to think less male, You can't

Much like how some people think the pandemic is a rouse for something else and it's the government up to something...Then you think " but it's the whole planet in the same boat "
Whatever country you go to there will be a religion of some sort, it must be baked into our DNA?
Why does his all-powerful god need him to stab a defenceless woman? Some incredibly twisted thought processes to lead you to that conclusion.

And would a god that desired or endorsed random acts of violence against the defenceless be one worth following? Why would such a god have his best interests at heart either?

I just don't know how a person can descend to this kind of lunacy, disregarding all common sense, decency and logic. It's literally unfathomable.

Same reason a Christian God has made preachers force/convince women to have sex with them 'for God' - Mentally unstable.
When one of the thousands of unidentified dinghy arrivals goes on a murderfest we might get something done about that. Strange how the media barely mention the fact that they’ve been arriving non-stop for months. Someone will have to take one for the team because our leaders are cowards afraid of media and Twitter buzzwords.

Good luck, everyone!

Not if it's in the North it won't. It'll be classed a "mental illness". A couple of years ago a person not from our shores, intent on killing by stabbing random people, travelled to South Yorkshire from Slough and did just that whilst shouting 'Allahua Akbar'. That person was apprehended and authorities refused to class it as a terrorist incident.
Is there any scripture that condones/encourages killing people in Islam? killing people is one thing killing them while screaming a tribute to your god is quite another. I'd probably question my faith if other followers were killing as a tribute to its god.

I suspect the issues come in when we start talking about non-believers. I gather this was actually started back at the time of the crusades when the Catholic powers at the time declared that killing Muslims was not a sin since they were not believers in the Catholic God. Everyone ran off to war to have wonderful fun slaughtering the Muslims in any horrific way their imaginations could muster. Most Muslims rightfully put the past behind them, but of course there are a few who do not.
I suspect the issues come in when we start talking about non-believers. I gather this was actually started back at the time of the crusades when the Catholic powers at the time declared that killing Muslims was not a sin since they were not believers in the Catholic God. Everyone ran off to war to have wonderful fun slaughtering the Muslims in any horrific way their imaginations could muster. Most Muslims rightfully put the past behind them, but of course there are a few who do not.


The same thing as the pixi prophet Muhammad killed and sold Jews. Around and around we go.

Why don't these people step back and read from the past to learn that all religions are false.
Religious extremism is the problem.
All of it is ugly IMO.

The good old Catholic Church for example.

No one in the Catholic Church committed crime in the name of the actual religion, Paedophiles used the religion as a way to gain power, there's nothing in the Bible or Catholic teachings that say any crime committed by Catholic priests is ok.

It's pretty boring to hear someone stabbed to death or shot by an Islamic terrorist and everyone goes, oh yes religion is bad, look at the Catholics! How about we just accept the fact that Islam is the exception out of all major religions in that a lot of terrorists find justification for their crimes in the teachings of that religious text? I know that's a really inconvenient truth but it is a fact.
No one in the Catholic Church committed crime in the name of the actual religion, Paedophiles used the religion as a way to gain power, there's nothing in the Bible or Catholic teachings that say any crime committed by Catholic priests is ok.

How about the treatment of young unmarried pregnant women in Ireland?

I hate all strict religious practice. It’s all an infringement on basic human freedoms and rights. (Form of control)
Orthodox Jews as well.
Strict religious practices are wrong full stop.
Islam is one of the most extreme.
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