If you dont use progs that really stress your PC. Why do you need 32gb of ram then. Get rid of 16gb that you dont need and raise your clocking.
Stick with 2133 and look at your tuning options first.
1T command rate. Then try seconds of 5,124,7936,12,6,26,6,6,7. TWCL and Command rate will help your perf a lot.
sorry for hijack jester, 8pack can you tell me why my tWR wont go lower keeps reverting to 28 any lower than 16 when using memtweakit????
thx Ian, works a treat
shame i cant drop dram ref cycle time and tWCL, just crashes system any lower
Command rate 1 is a little unstable, can I loosen any of the other timings to improve this?
It doesn't blue screen, but things aren't as stable as they were, and pi fails after about 3 seconds!