** 4K & G-SYNC FOR LESS THAN £500!! **

Hi there

These have arrived, over 100 of them so all backorders will be shipped today!

If anyone requires Saturday delivery then call our sales and they will change the shipping to Saturday, this is an additional cost and one we cannot offer for free as were selling these monitors at very low margin as its a pre-order ONLY price.

Back to the fact its a Pre-Order ONLY price, the price shall increase on this monitor at lunch time today.

You have until 14:00 today to grab one at the £499.99 price, then it will go up to approx. £550
Jesus, I would have had one of these at £499. I didn't realise that it was a pre-order price only, and with being at work all day without internet access I was unable to put an order in before 2pm.
Awesome monitor.

Easy to install, wonderful design. Just I need an Nvidia Graphics card....I will get it soon.

Anyway, thank you for the service. I Have got a couple of questions:

What is overdrive for? As default it is normal but I could set it off or extreme.

There is one option that I cannot manage ,it is ULMB. What is it?
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