5 hours to go! Takedown - old school tactical shooter

yup.. this is hard... i was hoping ya would get a command list like on swat 4 (ive only had a couple of games so there might be, i might have just missed it) but as your always leading, you get shredded. its pretty much 1 shot kill.

if you guys want a bash on this, join my mumble so we have comms, i reckon it will be essential.

details: 3162

had some problems with the other mumble ;)
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yup.. this is hard... i was hoping ya would get a command list like on swat 4 (ive only had a couple of games so there might be, i might have just missed it) but as your always leading, you get shredded. its pretty much 1 shot kill.

if you guys want a bash on this, join my mumble so we have comms, i reckon it will be essential.


IP: davido.game-server.cc
port: 64738

I will join you once i have the game installed i just restarted steam i though it crashed while installing Microsoft .NET Framework ....
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Anyone else finding the enemy AI to be a bit dumb?

You can walk right up to them if they are facing the wrong way, and some of them don't seem to react to your gun-fire. Also if you shoot at one who then runs away, they tend to run around the nearest corner and then stand still, looking in the wrong direction.

That said they are pretty brutal if they get the first shot off, but it's almost like it's to compensate for them being so retarded.
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Anyone else finding the enemy AI to be a bit dumb?

You can walk right up to them if they are facing the wrong way, and some of them don't seem to react to your gun-fire. Also if you shoot at one who then runs away, they tend to run around the nearest corner and then stand still, looking in the wrong direction.

That said they are pretty brutal if they get the first shot off, but it's almost like it's to compensate for them being so retarded.

yeh, i noticed this actually, as long as you dont go into their line of sight, your pretty much alright, BUT and its a very big but, if they do see you, may god have mercy on you.
il call it ocuk server

give me a few mins though, just trying to get my server to host it rather than my computer =)

in fact, cant see an option to rename the server :/

might be best adding to steam then joining that way?
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