58% Failure

That is very, very poor. I wonder how representative it is, 2000 results is quite a few although:

There have been 2550 survey submissions so far
This represents 0.25% of the 1,007,246 Gamertags registered to date
If this is a true representation - those figures are shockingly bad

If I also read it right it looks like its taking MS three attempts with large number of gamers to get a decent console (original purchase and two replacements)

I was also wondering how many (like me) have never gone online with their X360 so dont have a gamer tag.

Did I see somewhere 10m units had been sold - with these figures if the replacements count as "sold" how many of that 10m are actually "in use" rather than dead / returned units?

Mind you saying that - compared to even a few million live consoles (and Im sure there are a lot more than 2-3m being used ) the survey is so minute it may read worse than real world figures.

MS imo still need to sort out their quality control though in a big way
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I calculate 66% assuming that the people with more than 1 fail have had 2 fails.

edit: adding my calculations to back myself up :P
1053 (41.29%) say they have NOT had a console fail
950 (37.25%) say they've had one console fail
547 (21.45%) say they've had more than one console fail (*2 for 2 consoles borked)

= (950+(547*2) / 950+(547*2)+1053)/100 = 0.65999 nearly 2thirds :o
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Not saying they don't fail, but that "survey" is about as scientific as readingchicken entrails. The sample number is WAY too small to have any kind of meaning.

And you could say, as with threads on this board, that the people who have had problems are much more likely to respond, whereas those whose box is ticking along happily won't.
Agreed the sample number is very small and open to bias. I would supsect the failure rate to be ~ 30% which is still shocking.
imo - with something like a console if it is a 30% failure rate for the 1st generation of the x360 then that isnt too bad - what I find worse is how many times MS take to replace a broken unit.
I got a launch console and am on my 3rd replacement, and we don't seem to be seeing the forums clogged with 'my ps3 is borked'.
i do find that a little hard to believe. if it was 58% we would have heard a LOT more about it!

forum surveys etc, indeed any survey, are never 100% accurate because some people won't tell the truth. a lot of those survey responses are probably idiots "having a laugh"

MS are the only ones with the true figures, and they have remained fairly quiet over the whole affair, so it's probably quite bad anyway!
You only have to read these forums to see how many is Failing.

Never mind thoses graphs.

The number of people posting they are on their second 360 is even more shocking!!
Tony Williams said:
Very true. I also believe this might be down to how the end user handles such equipment.
I'm a bit of a retentive and treat my equipment immaculately. I have gone through 2 360's
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