Politics in general should go extinct,we could have issues debated and voted for online by the population at large,just cut out the waste of all the middle men.
Because the answer is so glaringly obvious it needn't an explanation. I genuinely can't believe some of you guys are so solid.
I don't give a monkeys who anyone votes, yet certain people seem to take a moral high ground, and almost snob other voters if it's a party not mainstream or dosent "fit" with their way of thinking and reasoning.
Everyone's got a different reason to vote a party, mines influenced by my job primarily and vote for a party which I think would help my trade with certain policy's they have.
Both of these are dealt with on a national level and don't have a bearing on your local council and whether your bins are emptied once a week or every other week.
but there's also money on road infrastructure
Lol are you really still trying to pull this off? It hasn't been working for years just give upWell, I think it's because they are racist, sexist and homophobic knuckle draggers.
I was hoping you were going to give another reason why people vote UKIP.
Everyone's got a different reason to vote a party, mines influenced by my job primarily and vote for a party which I think would help my trade with certain policy's they have.
In the rest of the country Labour have only lost 1 council (so far)