5th May UK regional elections discussion and results

Politics in general should go extinct,we could have issues debated and voted for online by the population at large,just cut out the waste of all the middle men.
I don't give a monkeys who anyone votes, yet certain people seem to take a moral high ground, and almost snob other voters if it's a party not mainstream or dosent "fit" with their way of thinking and reasoning.

Everyone's got a different reason to vote a party, mines influenced by my job primarily and vote for a party which I think would help my trade with certain policy's they have.
Well, pretty mixed results so far for Labour. The council elections are much better than predicted, and represent an increase in the share of the vote compared to 2015 but they are, in no way, the kind of results we should be getting in order to expect to challenge for victory in 2020 - or before should that happen, and it may. Scotland continues to be a disaster area for Labour. It's hard to compare to the last election because of the post-referendum effect but to come third to the Tories can't be described as anything but a disaster. Wales is better, as the incumbents we should have expected to see a drop but it's not too bad. More worrying to me is the rise of the UKIP vote.

London is still too come but if the result goes as expected I don't think the Corbyn camp will be too unhappy. This isn't the pasting that those plotting his downfall needed to mount a leadership challenge.
Because the answer is so glaringly obvious it needn't an explanation. I genuinely can't believe some of you guys are so solid.

Its so obvious you have been unable to tell us what it is over the space of what, 4 posts now?

Remember, these are council elections.
I don't give a monkeys who anyone votes, yet certain people seem to take a moral high ground, and almost snob other voters if it's a party not mainstream or dosent "fit" with their way of thinking and reasoning.

Everyone's got a different reason to vote a party, mines influenced by my job primarily and vote for a party which I think would help my trade with certain policy's they have.

I think the point Fox and others were trying to make is that the main tenets of UKIP are in relation to Europe and Immigration.

Both of these are dealt with on a national level and don't have a bearing on your local council and whether your bins are emptied once a week or every other week.

Which basically leaves you with protest vote. Which is a perfectly acceptable reason to vote UKIP, I just think it would have saved a lot of to-ing and fro-ing if Closing just said that.
Exactly. There is a vote next month on whether you like the EU or not, so no point voting to fill councils with ineffective protest candidates yesterday, is there?
Both of these are dealt with on a national level and don't have a bearing on your local council and whether your bins are emptied once a week or every other week.

I do wish people would stop talking about local councils as if all they do is empty your bins. In fact, this is a very small part of their remit and spending. The big spending goes on various forms of social care - meals-on-wheels, care for vulnerable adults, family services, early intervention, etc. - but there's also money on road infrastructure, libraries, support for schools and so forth.
There was a Scottish Referendum a few months ago.

No point in filling Westminster with SNP protest candidates is there ?

It doesn't matter who is the alternative candidate. The object is to throw the main party's out of power wherever they may be.

That is the ONLY way you'll stop the slimey corrupt gits cosy - gilt lined clubs.

But you lot love that crap

Same old, Same old

The Sheeple don't want change. They like being reamed fleeced.
People like me vote UKIP for everything even in the council etc to get a point across and to try to force the other parties to react - we know voting UKIP councillors in won't get us the changes we want but if we take enough labour and Tory votes away from every area possible it's more likely they will be forced to at least look at the issues we are worrying about and that UKIP as a party are willing to deal with.
Leave them to their simplistic world - it really is quite embarrassing that this stuff is blindly applied to what is quite a decent percentage of the population that voted UKIP last time round.

The world is a complex place with many reasons why people vote the way they do and remarks like these just show that you've decided to ignore that and trail out some party line

(not a UKIP voter btw)
In the rest of the country Labour have only lost 1 council (so far)

which is massively poor. historically it's the time the opposition should make significant gains. when the current government is doing all the stuff people hate early on in their term. before they switch to nicer stuff running upto election.

Corbyn needs to go and sooner the better, we need a proper opposition
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