5th May UK regional elections discussion and results

This thread is a perfectly illustration of why politics in this country is the way it is.

People blindly voting for a party and being unable to give a reason why

People saying they didn't have a clue what it was about and so ticked at random... then in the following sentence exclaiming they can't believe a certain candidate got in and what a sad state the city is in (guess what happens if everyone votes at random - that's right a random candidate gets in! *shock horror*)

People saying they didn't even know there was an election

Didn't vote, not going to moan
Didn't vote as wouldn't have had a clue who best person was

Also as all I really am bothered about at local level is bins and roads all the local elections aren't really relevant to me.
There isn't enough difference between candidates to bother me
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Michael Mann is a ******, isn't he? Read in the news this morning that he "grudgingly admitted Labour had done ok".

He doesn't care what harm he does to the party so long as he can advance himself. I'd say the results are fairly decent for Labour given the hatchet job a few lobbyist groups and the media have been trying to do on them lately. They took some superficial damage but basically held their ground.
You can't be that naive that you don't understand why thousands of people up and down the country are blindly voting UKIP? :o

If you get anywhere near to answering the question at any point, feel free to do so. So far all we've had is a sequence of "I can't believe you don't know!" style responses. I'm starting to think you don't!

What difference do you expect UKIP to make on local councils vs. other parties?
I don't give a monkeys who anyone votes, yet certain people seem to take a moral high ground, and almost snob other voters if it's a party not mainstream or dosent "fit" with their way of thinking and reasoning.

I think you need thicker skin than this in politics, Amiga's take on UKIPPERS :

Well, I think it's because they are racist, sexist and homophobic knuckle draggers.

Whereas I think of lefty's as mouth breathing, half-witted, socialist weasels.

Different folks, different strokes!
No council elections for me only pcc. All my candidates were aligned to a political party - no independant.
Polivine and the pcc shouldn't be a political role.
Sadly no UKIP Councillor in my borough but we had a UKIP PCC standing, he got our votes, voted Tory for Councillor.
So did people vote with a party in mind or did they vote for an individual who happens to be in party xxxx?

Most people i know have odd voting habits and treat voting for someone like supporting a football team.

Also, i love the idea that a few individuals seem to hint at a room of people working tirelessly through the night with pencil and rubber to change the votes. I can understand rigging some areas (though i dont believe it is happening) but the pencil thing is quite funny.
Not politically inclined in any way , but with the rise of right wing , I went ahead and cast my vote. Looks like a two horse race , but there were many candidates which seemed to have great potential.
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