5UBs Huge CS:GO BETA Giveaway!

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Just so people know, at 3PM I will make a new post here with the keys. It will not be in the original thread post.
5UB, is there any chance you could trust me a couple of the codes a few minutes before the comp starts. i'm stuck with the worlds slowest laptop here and need some sort of a head start to have any chance of getting one of the codes.

to give you an idea of how slow this thing is its taken me over 5 minutes to log into steam, and more than 5 minutes to update itself (its still going)

OMG, after 12 minutes its all updated and i'm on the redeem code screen
We have 50 more codes being given away here at 3PM. One massive list of keys! :)

Is 50 the final lot or is there more after that? I ask since I won't be around at 3pm but will be around 4pm. Maybe split it up into 25 at 3pm and the final 25 at 4pm if 50 is all you have left... please? :)
Ah god dammit. I'm one of the many who has a delightful employer who has decided that it would be much more beneficial to my general well being and over all happiness to have to come in to work today AND tomorrow.

Ah well, nice giveaway. Good luck to those able to try and grab a key @ 3pm.
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